DEV Community

Hyun Sung Cho
Hyun Sung Cho

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Completing Phase 1 (JavaScript & Code Challenge).. part 2

All cohorts were given 2 chances to pass the code challenge.
At the first trial for the code challenge, I made it through all core deliverables until I encountered a problem having a Vote Counter not working properly. The vote count was not adding up accumulatively in the DOM but rather it was just getting updated by the value of what the user puts whenever a user submits a new value (number of votes) to the form. I could not figure out how I should make this work until the 90 minutes of the code challenge time ran out. It has been a while since I was under such intense pressure and it felt as if I was taking my first SAT back in high school. After the challenge, I had to find out how to make the vote count increment accumulatively and found a way to approach to solve it. First, I could have declared a variable to initialize the count in the global scope and add the new user input value to the variable, and assign the result to the variable using the assignment expression in the form function. Secondly, I also had to use parseInt on the value that I grab from the DOM and the value user inputs.
After I realized that I needed much more exposure to solving the challenges, I started practicing all the practice code challenges in the labs over and over until I reached a point where I started feeling really comfortable with the structure of making a web application using Vanilla JavaScript and the process of fetching data from the API, creating and grabbing DOM elements, making functions, adding event listener, using .Map & .Filter array methods, updating new data to the JSON server using POST, PATCH, DELETE, and more. Countless practices of solving the code challenges over a week led me to succeed in passing the code challenge in the following week. I was finally relieved after passing the PHASE 1 code challenge and finishing my Phase 1 project in week 3 because I was able to move on to the next phase which was Phase 2 and excited about learning React.
I already started feeling what it is like to be a software developer. Trial and Error, Dedication, and Practice!

Top comments (3)

areskul profile image

I encourage you to install linux

inversed profile image
Hyun Sung Cho

Sorry for the late response. Thank you for your advice! I have heard about Linux but I am not familiar with Linux... so May I ask the reason why you suggested installing Linux? Is it better to start using Linux operating system early in starting my career?

areskul profile image

You got it! It's much easier to install languages, environments and edit content under linux. Every server on the internet is running linux