DEV Community

Ishan Rayeen
Ishan Rayeen

Posted on

Handling Inline Queries | Telegram Bot Development | Part 3

Telegram bot development using node.js and Telegraf API.

What you will learn:

  • Inline Query.
  • handling inline query using bot.on().
  • creating a bot that will search the API and the OMDB API
  • And a lot more.


  • Please watch Part 1 and 2.
  • Basic Programming (everything will be taught from basics).
  • Telegram Account.

Example Bot:
Search for @covid_19_india_bot on telegram or click here

Top comments (1)

homeyramahmoudi profile image
Homeyra Mahmoudi

thanks for your tutorial, i have a question regarding the inline keyboard, I am building a Geodata collector bot and I want to use inline keyboard but I'm not able to use the request_location for acquiring the location of the user because I think it just works on the keyboard not inline keyboard. and since I want to use the callback in my buttons I'm kinda stuck and confused that how I could manage this. if you can help me I appreciate it.

//buttons for getting the location
bot.action("POS-PCdF", (ctx) => {
bot.telegram.sendMessage(, "Can we access your location?", {
reply_markup: {
keyboard: [
text: "Access my location",
request_location: true,
callback_data: "Access_my_loc",
{ text: "Cancel", callback_data: "PCdF" },

//the main menu that I want to use in the callback
bot.action("PCdF", (ctx) => {
"Share with us the problems about Parco Campo di Fiori!",
reply_markup: {
inline_keyboard: [
{ text: "Pictures", callback_data: "PIC-PCdF" },
{ text: "Location", callback_data: "POS-PCdF" },
{ text: "write to us", callback_data: "TEXT-PCdF" },
{ text: "Go back Home", callback_data: "go-back" },