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James Brown
James Brown

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Top 15 Linux Interview Questions & Answers for Job Seekers

Do you know that more than 90% of the fastest computers in the world run on Linux? Linux is fast, strong, and a favourite among techies. If you want to become a Linux Administrator, this is the right place to prepare for the interview.

In this article, we have shared the 15 top Linux interview questions and answers that every job seeker should read.

Top 15 LINUX Interview Questions And Answers

Q1. What is a Linux operating system?

Ans: Linux is an operating system that is free to use (OS). An operating system is the software that controls the hardware and resources of a system, such as the CPU, memory, and storage. The operating system (OS) sits between software and hardware and connects all of your software to the physical resources that do the work.

Q2. What are basic components of Linux?

Ans: There are five basic components of Linux OS. These are:

  • Kernel: This is a core or main part of Linux and is usually in charge of all of the OS's major tasks, such as managing processes and devices.
  • System Library: These are  application programmes or system utilities can use to access kernel features without having to write any code. It is just used to put the OS's functions into action.
  • System Utility: These are software that are used to do tasks that are specific to a single person. People trust them more, and they let users control the computer.
  • Hardware: Hardware is the physical parts of a computer, like a mouse, keyboard, screen, CPU, and so on.
  • Shell: Shell is a place where commands, shell scripts, and programmes can be run. It is a connection between the user and the kernel that hides all of the kernel's complicated functions from the user. It is used to carry out orders.

Q3. What is the difference between Linux and UNIX?

Ans: Unix has been around for a long time and is often called "the mother of all operating systems." Unix also gave rise to the Linux kernel. The most important difference between Unix and Linux-based operating systems is not how they look, but how they work on the inside, especially in the kernel.

Q4. What is LILO?

Ans: LILO is an abbreviation for LInux LOader. LILO is a Linux Boot Loader that loads the Linux Operating System into main memory before it can be executed. Most computers include boot loaders for specific versions of Windows or Mac OS. So, if you want to use Linux OS, you must first install a special boot loader.

Q5. Explain Swap Space?

Ans: When the RAM is not large enough to accommodate the processes, Linux uses additional space known as swap space to hold concurrently running applications. A program will run from memory (RAM) so that the processor can swiftly fetch data. If you have more running programmes than the RAM can accommodate, they are placed in the Swap Space. Now, the processor will search the RAM and the Swap Space for information.

Q6. What are the two types of Linux user mode?

Ans: The two Linux User modes are Command line and GUI.

Q7. Explain the meaning of virtual desktop?

Ans: Virtual Desktop is a feature that lets users use desktop beyond its physcial limitations. It uses the virtual screen to expand how normal screen functions.

Q8. What are the best courses for Linux?

Ans: The best courses for learning about Linux are:

Q9. What is the maximum length of any LINUX file?

Ans: The maximum characters for such a file is around 255 characters.

Q10. What do you mean by Latch?

Ans: A latch is a short-term storage device that can hold either 0 or 1. It is controlled by a timing signal. A latch has two stable states: high-output, or 1, and low-output, or 0. Its main purpose is to store information about the state. 

Q11. What is Linux Shell?

Ans: The shell is a command interpreter within an operating system such as Linux/GNU or Unix. It is a program that enables other processes to run. The shell serves as an interface to the Unix/GNU Linux system for all computer users. As a result, the user can run various tools/utilities or commands with a small amount of input data.

Q12. What does CLI mean in Linux?

Ans: Command Line Interface is based on a textual request-and-response transaction process, in which the user types declarative commands to tell the computer what to do.

Q13. What is the difference between cron and anacron?

Ans: Cron executes the scheduled tasks at highly precise intervals, but only when the system is active. Nevertheless, Anacron does the scheduled task even if the machine isn't running at the time.

Q14. How to grant permisson in LINUX?

Ans: Owners, group members, and everyone else may be granted varying levels of access to read, write, and execute files. In Linux, this is commonly referred to as file permissions.

Q15. What is load average in Linux?

Ans: The load average represents the typical system load on a Linux server over a specific time frame. In other words, it refers to a server's total CPU load, which takes into account both running and pending threads.


So, to wrap up this article, you should know that Linux is a full operating system with different versions for both new and experienced users. Linux is thought to be easier to use, more stable, safe, and reliable, and it can run for years without needing to be turned off and on again.

This article has talked about every part of Linux that could be asked about in an interview. I hope you understand what this is all about. Keep learning, and best of luck.

Top comments (1)

dendihandian profile image
Dendi Handian

I'm gonna need this kind of post, especially for data engineer/analyst/scientist role