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Janice Alecha
Janice Alecha

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"Reflections On My Journey as a Software Engineering Student"

Denzel Washington's quote highlights the inevitability of challenges and difficulties that come with pursuing our goals. It reminds us that, just as we pray for rain, we must also be prepared to deal with the mud that comes with it. Challenges are an integral part of the journey, and without them, we may lack the motivation needed to achieve our goals. Instead, we should embrace the obstacles we face and use them as opportunities for growth and development. Only by setting ambitious and challenging goals can we truly realize our full potential and live a fulfilling life.

As I near the end of my journey as a Flatiron student in
Software Engineering, I am filled with a sense of pride and accomplishment. This program has been challenging, but it has also been incredibly rewarding. Through it all, I have learned a great deal about myself and my capabilities.

Managing the demands of school, work, and family can be overwhelming, while being a 40-something with limited mental bandwidth has been a significant challenge. There were times when exhaustion set in, and I struggled to keep up. Despite these challenges, I persevered and discovered that my strength and resilience far exceeded my expectations.


I have learned a crucial lesson that I can steer my thoughts and emotions in the direction I want. During the program's initial stages, I faced anxiety, particularly when going through each phase's review, live coding, and interview questions. However, I chose not to succumb to pessimism and instead, I was able to maintain a positive outlook.

I believe that joining this bootcamp was a divine intervention, and I am grateful for the path that has been set for me. I trust that HE has always guided me and put the right people in my life to help me achieve my goals. My loved ones have been a constant source of support and inspiration, always there to offer me words of encouragement and motivation when I needed them the most. Their unwavering belief in me has been instrumental in propelling me towards success.

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