DEV Community

Jayesh Nalawade
Jayesh Nalawade

Posted on • Originally published at

Docker commands (part-1)

Beginner Commands:

  • docker --version

    • Check the Docker version installed on your system.
    • Example: docker --version
  • docker pull <image>

    • Download a Docker image from Docker Hub.
    • Example: docker pull ubuntu
  • docker build -t <tag> <path>

    • Build a Docker image from a Dockerfile located at a specified path.
    • Example: docker build -t myimage .
  • docker images

    • List all locally stored Docker images.
    • Example: docker images
  • docker rmi <my_image/id>

    • Remove an image
    • Example: docker rmi ubuntu
  • docker ps

    • List running containers.
    • Example: docker ps
  • docker ps -a

    • List all containers (including stopped ones).
    • Example: ``docker ps -a
  • docker run <image>

    • Run a container from a specified image.
    • Example: docker run ubuntu
  • docker run -d <image_nam/id>

    • Run a container in detached mode (background). #usethis beacause without -d powershell getting error
    • Example: ``docker run -d ubuntu
  • docker run --name <container_name> <image_name>

    • Run container with specific name
    • Example: docker run --name mycontainer nginx
    • It will create container named mycontainer with base image of nginx
  • docker run -it --name mycont nginx bash

    • Runs container named mycont with base image nginx and also gives bash shell(command prompt inside container)
  • docker run -p <host_port>:<container_port> <image_name>

    • Example:docker run -p 8080:80 nginx

    - This runs an Nginx container and maps port 8080 on the host to port 80 inside the container.

bestway -best way to launch container of nginx or any other

  • docker run -d -p 8080:80 --name myweb nginx

    • run an Nginx container in detached mode and expose port 80 from the container to port 8080 on the host.
  • `docker run -it -p 8080:80 --name myweb nginx bash

    • This will start the Nginx container but override the default entry point (which is Nginx) with a bash shell instead, allowing you to interact with the container's file system or run commands inside it. ` ---
  • docker exec -it <container_id> <command>

    • Run commands inside a running container.
    • Example: docker exec -it mycontainer bash
    • This command open up interactive bash terminal inside container
  • docker stop <container_id>

    • Stop a running container.
    • Example: docker stop mycontainer
  • `docker stop

    • Stop multiple containers at once:
    • Example:docker stop cont1 cont2 1233aec2 (with name or id)
  • docker stop $(docker ps -q)

    • docker ps -q lists all the running container IDs, and docker stop stops them
  • docker rm $(docker ps -a -q)

    • Remove All Containers: Once the containers are stopped, you can remove them with this command
  • docker rm <container_id>

    • Remove a stopped container.
    • Example: docker rm mycontainer
  • docker rmi $(docker images -q)

    • To remove all Docker images from your system:
  • docker rmi -f <image_id_or_name>

    • To remove an image that is currently being used by a container, you would typically encounter an error because Docker prevents you from removing an image that’s being used.
  • docker rm -f <container_id_or_name>

    • remove a running container, you can't do so directly without stopping it first so we use -f/--force

Top comments (2)

surya_f8c6194ccabac1c4a88 profile image

Docker container prune for removing stopped containers
Docker kill contain_name to stop container quickly

jayesh0706 profile image
Jayesh Nalawade

Thankyou , For your valuable addition to our post .