DEV Community

Silly Repos

Jess Lee on December 12, 2018

Got any favs? I just learned about this one from @annarankin! eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee / e...
ycmjason profile image
YCM Jason
yaser profile image
Yaser Al-Najjar

25,000 stars... enough internet for today, I guess I'll go back to PUBG 😂😂

ben profile image
Ben Halpern

Kelsey is a superstar in our industry if I've ever seen one.

david_j_eddy profile image
David J Eddy

Loves me some no codes!


A super scalable, machine learning optimized, DevOps/CI/CD ready, 100% secure, block-chain compatible, micro-service architecture designed, quantum computing calculated, IOT deployable, zero performance degrading PHP Composer package.

From the create or no-code themselves: No code is the best way to write secure and reliable applications. Write nothing; deploy nowhere.


Latest Stable Version Build Status Build Status

Code Climate

Issue Count License StyleCI Codacy Badge Packagist GitHub license SensioLabs Insight



  • Install via composer: composer require davidjeddy/no-code




Security Issues

None, ever, period. no-code is designed to be impenetrable by any current or future attack vectors.


See kelseyhightower/nocode for usage and detailed documentation.

stacy profile image
Stacy Montemayor

The sample code blocks! 🤣

w9jds profile image
Jeremy Shore • Edited

This is one of my favorites that appeared after the lawsuit.

GitHub logo auchenberg / volkswagen

🙈 Volkswagen detects when your tests are being run in a CI server, and makes them pass.


Volkswagen detects when your tests are being run in a CI server, and makes them pass.

Build status js-standard-style volkswagen status


If you want your software to be adopted by Americans, good tests scores from the CI server are very important. Volkswagen uses a defeat device to detect when it's being tested in a CI server and will automatically reduce errors to an acceptable level for the tests to pass. This will allow you to spend less time worrying about testing and more time enjoying the good life as a trustful software developer.

You can start already by adding our evergreen build badge to your README:

Volkswagen status

Markdown snippet:

[![volkswagen status](](


npm install volkswagen


Just require volkswagen somewhere in your code-base - maybe in your main test file:


Project status

CI servers detected:

itsasine profile image
ItsASine (Kayla)

...I think I need this...

Mainly because I don't have access to update the Chromium on the Jenkins box, so a few smoke tests fail every single build regardless of if it's working xD

annarankin profile image
Anna Rankin
stseagle profile image
Simone Seagle

That was great! I read the issue about the printer and almost laughed so hard I cried!

tiguchi profile image
Thomas Werner

I'm not sure if looking through that source code added or removed a substantial amount of brain cells from my brain 😂

jsn1nj4 profile image
Elliot Derhay • Edited

Did you see some of the recent issues?

avasconcelos114 profile image
Andre Vasconcelos

It took me a lot of self-control not to burst out laughing at the office.

My god this is gold

abraham profile image
Abraham Williams • Edited

How many ways are there to check if something is 13? More than you might think.

GitHub logo jezen / is-thirteen

Check if a number is equal to 13.

Special thanks to @casdr for the logo


Build Status Join us on Gitter

An npm package to check if a number is equal to 13.


npm --save i is-thirteen


yarn add is-thirteen


const isThirteen = require('is-thirteen')
// PLEAS READ THE SOURCE CODE BECAuse we moved fast and broke things
i̶s̶T̶h̶i̶r̶t̶e̶e̶n̶(̶2̶5̶)̶;̶ ̶/̶/̶ ̶f̶a̶l̶s̶e̶
i̶s̶T̶h̶i̶r̶t̶e̶e̶n̶(̶1̶3̶)̶;̶ ̶/̶/̶ ̶t̶r̶u̶e̶
const is = require('is-thirteen')
// Now with elegant syntax.
is(13).thirteen(); // true
is(12.8).roughly.thirteen(); // true
is(6).within(10).of.thirteen(); // true
is(2003).yearOfBirth(); // true

// check your math skillz
is(4).plus(5).thirteen();      // false
emgodev profile image

Coincidentally, Ifyoudonotwantpeopleusingthemaximu... showed up in my git feed just a few days ago. SO, here you go! I thought this one was pretty funny!

sammyisa profile image
Sammy Israwi

It has been a while, but here is a repo for all your 5 needs!

adammc331 profile image
Adam McNeilly • Edited

Someone posted some Apollo 11 code on GitHub, and the community promptly made an issue in reference to the Apollo 13 emergency/movie about it.

annarankin profile image
Anna Rankin

That conversation 😂

dmfay profile image
Dian Fay

GitHub logo as-com / _zalgo_

Destroying GitHub layout since 2016.͈̮͈̮͈̮͈̮͈̮͈̮͈̮͈̮͈̮͈̮͈̮͈̮͈̮͈̮͈̮͈̮͈̮͈̮͈̮͈̮͈̮͈̮͈̮͈̮͈̮͈̮͈̮͈̮͈̮͈̮͈̮͈̮͈̮͈̮͈̮͈̮͈̮͈̮͈̮͈̮͈̮͈̮͈̮͈̮͈̮͈̮͈̮͈̮͈̮̆̎̆̎̆̎̆̎̆̎̆̎̆̎̆̎̆̎̆̎̆̎̆̎̆̎̆̎̆̎̆̎̆̎̆̎̆̎̆̎̆̎̆̎̆̎̆̎̆̎̆̎̆̎̆̎̆̎̆̎̆̎̆̎̆̎̆̎̆̎̆̎̆̎̆̎̆̎̆̎̆̎̆̎̆̎̆̎̆̎̆̎̆̎̆̎̆̎̆̎ (also, make Zalgo smile)


Destroying G͈̮͈̮͈̮͈̮͈̮͈̮͈̮͈̮͈̮͈̮͈̮͈̮͈̮͈̮͈̮͈̮͈̮͈̮͈̮͈̮͈̮͈̮͈̮͈̮͈̮͈̮͈̮͈̮͈̮͈̮͈̮͈̮͈̮͈̮͈̮͈̮͈̮͈̮͈̮͈̮͈̮itHub layout since 2016.

I dare you to clone this.

List of G͈̮͈̮͈̮͈̮͈̮͈̮͈̮͈̮͈̮͈̮͈̮͈̮͈̮͈̮͈̮͈̮͈̮͈̮͈̮͈̮͈̮͈̮͈̮͈̮͈̮͈̮͈̮͈̮͈̮͈̮͈̮͈̮͈̮͈̮͈̮͈̮͈̮͈̮͈̮͈̮͈̮ood People (ak̆̎̆̎̆̎̆̎̆̎̆̎̆̎̆̎̆̎a͈̮͈̮͈̮͈̮͈̮͈̮͈̮͈̮͈̮͈̮͈̮͈̮͈̮͈̮͈̮͈̮ cloners):

  • @Tymewa͈̮͈̮͈̮͈̮͈̮͈̮͈̮͈̮͈̮͈̮͈̮͈̮͈̮͈̮͈̮͈̮lk
  • @D̯̩̪̟͓̓̿͛͌̈́́ͩr͕̟͊͌ͧ҉͖̄ͪ͆ͩ͝͞͡Ka̞t̯҉̸̢̛̞͉͙̤̱͗̒͆ͫ͡1̢͍̏̈́ͪ2̵̂3̵ͣ̚̚
  • @n̑ͤ҉̫͉̯͔̣ą͈̮͈̮͈̮͈̮͈̮͈̮͈̮͈̮͈̮͈̮͈̮͈̮͈̮͈̮̉t͎ͮ̉͞h̗̃a͈̮͈̮͈̮͈̮͈̮͈̮͈̮͈͍͔͉̜̜̩̲n̡̥͖̣̭̻̱ͬͭͯͩ͊p̪͔̫͔̟̭ͣŕ̜̲͉ͮ͞o͈̮͈̮͈̮͈̮͈̮͈̮͈̮͈̮͈̘͔̺͉̦͚̞c̸̣̥̳͌k̙̱̪̳̣̟͚ṣ̮̹̯͉̟̎̆̎̆̎̆̎̆̎̆̎̆̎̆̎̆̎̆̎̆̎̆̎̆ͭͮ̉̇̋̉͌͠
  • @G̶̱̱̳̗̗̼̥̗̺ͪ̀́̚Ȑ͓͔̻̼̗̮̙͂̇̏̓A̷̾̓ͭ̂̚͜͏̥̣̺0̢̡̹̖̦̻̹̩͇̇0̠̲̟̪̘̃ͬͯ̃̾̽͂̚0̡ͨ̃ͦ͊͂̀̈́ͬ̆҉̭̹͓7̨͇̙͓̺̱̍ͯ̒̒͛̋ͤ̐

gartboy profile image

Become a rockstar developer in 2 minutes!!

GitHub logo avinassh / rockstar

Makes you a Rockstar C++ Programmer in 2 minutes


downloads version supported license

Rockstar is one amazing library, which will make you a Rockstar Programmer in just 2 minutes. In last decade, people learned C++ in 21 days. But these days, it has come down to just 10 minutes. But, I wanted to do better.

This repo will not only teach you Complete C++ in just 2 minutes, but also makes Open Source Contributions. You see, Open Source contributions are very important these days, especially if you can get those boxes filled with green on your Github profile. As an efficient programmer, I believe in killing two birds in just one shot.

Run Rockstar, be a Rockstar, show off your Github profile to everyone and bag those $200K programmer jobs. Once you become a Rockstar, every recruiter will want to hire you and there is no turning back.


Rockstar is Python 3 only library. Rockstar programmers don't code…

phlash profile image
Phil Ashby

Speaking of Rockstar... it's a language!

richjdsmith profile image
Rich Smith

That's easy.

Party on.

maestromac profile image
Mac Siri

how about this eh?

vanruby / canada

Adds support for Canadian programming conventions to the Ruby language


Canadian flag

It's well known that we have different conventions for programming in Canada. This gem attempts to make life easier for Canadian Rubyists by integrating these conventions into the Ruby language:

>> require 'canada'
=> true
>> [].empty_eh
=> true
>> [1,2,3].empty_eh
=> false
>> [].respond_to_eh?(:empty_eh?)
=> true
>> aboot
=> "#<Object:0x007f802b8b92c0>"
>> raise "something went wrong..."
RuntimeError: I'm sorry, but something went wrong...
  from (irb):6
  from /Users/godfrey/.rvm/rubies/ruby-2.0.0-p195/bin/irb:16:in `<main>'

Cool, eh?

Production Ready™, eh?

Yes. Proof: Build Status

What aboot performance?

We hand-tuned the gem's performance to keep it in line with everything else in Canada.


Add this line to your application's Gemfile:

gem 'canada'

And then execute:

$ bundle

Or install it yourself as:

$ gem install canada

Note: This gem requires Ruby 2.0.0 or higher.


  1. Fork it
  2. Create…
david_j_eddy profile image
David J Eddy

This is great dontcha know.

wuz profile image
Conlin Durbin

The whole saga of eee-etc is pretty interesting (and kinda shitty from Github).

isalevine profile image
Isa Levine

wooooow, this is so interesting! yeah, her take on how their response may be applied to real repos belonging to people of color and trans people is...some brutal truth that's good for me to be aware of :/

kritner profile image
Russ Hammett • Edited

Not the repo, but the branch:

The github link markdown helper did NOT like the above link :|

Which spawned from:

jckuhl profile image
Jonathan Kuhl

My own:

I was playing with NetBeans and it's default JavaFX set up. And I didn't know anything about JavaFX, I was just playing with the template that was provided.

Made a program with a single button and you'd click on the button and it'd increment a counter labeled "cheese"

That's literally all to it.

I don't even use NetBeans anymore lol.

jordonr profile image
Jordon Replogle

How to save and quit vim:

fcbeyer profile image
Rick Beyer

I'm a big fan of js2js

as well as this webpage:

annlin profile image
ann lin • Edited

lol actually broke the page too with the eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee

oliver_e_green profile image
Oliver Green
david_j_eddy profile image
David J Eddy

My personal favorite:

EnterpriseQualityCoding / FizzBuzzEnterpriseEdition

FizzBuzz Enterprise Edition is a no-nonsense implementation of FizzBuzz made by serious businessmen for serious business purposes.


Build status

Enterprise software marks a special high-grade class of software that makes careful use of relevant software architecture design principles to build particularly customizable and extensible solutions to real problems. This project is an example of how the popular FizzBuzz game might be built were it subject to the high quality standards of enterprise software.


FizzBuzz is a game that has gained in popularity as a programming assignment to weed out non-programmers during job interviews. The object of the assignment is less about solving it correctly according to the below rules and more about showing the programmer understands basic, necessary tools such as if-/else-statements and loops. The rules of FizzBuzz are as follows:

For numbers 1 through 100,

  • if the number is divisible by 3 print Fizz;
  • if the number is divisible by 5 print Buzz;
  • if the number is divisible by 3 and 5 (15)…
phallstrom profile image
Philip Hallstrom
ben profile image
Ben Halpern

More of a silly idea than repo in and of itself, but

gfredericks / quinedb

QuineDB is a quine that is also a key-value store.


Build Status

QuineDB is a quine that is also a key/value store.

If your database can't print its own source code can you really trust it?

Getting Started

QuineDB consists of the quinedb script in this repository. It is written in Bash and requires Bash 4.

When you run it, the (possibly modified) source code of quinedb is printed to STDOUT, and the results of the specific command run are printed to STDERR. Therefore, each time you run a write operation you must redirect STDOUT to an appropriate place. For consistency we recommend doing this for all operations. However this can be very tedious to do directly, so a bash function such as the following can be helpful, and the examples that follow will make use of it:

qdb () {
  ./quinedb "$@" > qdb.out 2> qdb.err || return "$?"
  cat qdb.out > quinedb
hairy profile image

It's the John Cage's 4'33 of coding!

tadaboody profile image

Had one PR merged and one rejected in this one

boyEstrogen / Anime-Girls-Holding-Programming-Books

Anime Girls Holding Programming Books


Anime Girls Holding Programming Books

Contribution Guide Lines

  • Images must have descriptive file names in the following format:


  • Add your images to the folder that best describes the subject mater of the book that the girl is holding. If no existing folder applies create a new one.

No nudity (I really don't want to get banned)

awwsmm profile image
Andrew (he/him)

This is one of my favorites:

jezen / is-thirteen

Check if a number is equal to 13.

Special thanks to @casdr for the logo


Build Status Join us on Gitter

An npm package to check if a number is equal to 13.


npm --save i is-thirteen


yarn add is-thirteen


const isThirteen = require('is-thirteen')
// PLEAS READ THE SOURCE CODE BECAuse we moved fast and broke things
i̶s̶T̶h̶i̶r̶t̶e̶e̶n̶(̶2̶5̶)̶;̶ ̶/̶/̶ ̶f̶a̶l̶s̶e̶
i̶s̶T̶h̶i̶r̶t̶e̶e̶n̶(̶1̶3̶)̶;̶ ̶/̶/̶ ̶t̶r̶u̶e̶
const is = require('is-thirteen')
// Now with elegant syntax.
is(13).thirteen(); // true
is(12.8).roughly.thirteen(); // true
is(6).within(10).of.thirteen(); // true
is(2003).yearOfBirth(); // true

// check your math skillz
is(4).plus(5).thirteen();      // false
cjbrooks12 profile image
Casey Brooks

Haeresis / vanilla-js-dom

Vanilla JS is a fast, lightweight, cross-platform framework for building incredible, powerful JavaScript applications.

dougblackjr profile image
Doug Black

Came here specifically to look for this. Well played.

aalises profile image
Albert Alises

The only license I need.

me-shaon / GLWTPL

"Good Luck With That" Public License

GLWTPL (Good Luck With That Public License)

If you have that feeling about your code...

When I wrote this, only God and I understood what I was doing
Now, only God knows

...think no further and include this LICENSE to your project!

And, wish a very Good Luck to your future self, or a fellow human being or an alien or an AI bot (who can code and will destroy human race) - literally anyone who will dare to dive into your project.

Good luck GIF

It has a NSFW version too. Cheers!

Possible Use Cases

  • You wrote some code but not quite proud of it, yet want to release it.
  • You want to make free your code in the wild and want no responsibility for it.
  • "Whatever done is done", and you don't have time/intention to fix, modify or improve your code any further
  • Built an awesome project in a Hackathon/Code-competition? Want…