Ooh! Thanks for suggesting topics. I was actually looking for ideas on a title encompass a series that consists of topics similar to the ones you suggested!
I've been a professional C, Perl, PHP and Python developer.
I'm an ex-sysadmin from the late 20th century.
These days I do more Javascript and CSS and whatnot, and promote UX and accessibility.
Everyone's mind is immediately going to puns. I usually do the same, but I actually don't think there's much wrong with The history of computer science: a mini web series.
I would seriously ask some non programmer friends, maybe they come up with names that surprise you!
For example, if it were a geology mini web series I would call it: "Such things we're all made of" which is also a straight up rip off from Shakespeare's The Tempest
Hypercurious coder stuck in a self-introspective recursive event loop. Interested in data, geospatial, innovation & machine learning. College Dropout | CTO @ Blue Sky Analytics
Bits and PCs
Said like "bits and pieces"
Other "Bits" titles:
Bits to Bytes and Beyond
Bits of Complexity/Computation
+1 for History Compiled
if it doesn't get used I'm going to totally steal it at some point...
Here are some ideas based on how far back you want to go:
Complexity solved, ancient to modern
Mechanical Turk:
Fraud to God machines
Punch cards / mechanical calculators:
IO, from gears to Alpha Go
Ooh! Thanks for suggesting topics. I was actually looking for ideas on a title encompass a series that consists of topics similar to the ones you suggested!
What about Hello World! ?
I think these two words can represent much about computer science.
And you can add something else to it to sound it better...
DEVHistory | History of Computer Science: From Lovelace to Linux
Everyone's mind is immediately going to puns. I usually do the same, but I actually don't think there's much wrong with The history of computer science: a mini web series.
(can't believe no one has suggested this so far)
Down the memory lane.
I would seriously ask some non programmer friends, maybe they come up with names that surprise you!
For example, if it were a geology mini web series I would call it: "Such things we're all made of" which is also a straight up rip off from Shakespeare's The Tempest
Well, I'm bad at naming stuff :D
while (true)
A brief history of the web
The Rise and Fall of Proprietary Hardware
The history of bits and bytes
The Alan's road
DEV | Bits and Bots: A history of computer science (Mini web series)
A(da) to Z(uckerberg): A Random Walk through CS history
PS. My point being it's a good time to put the spotlight on the people (especially hidden figures) and not just the tech.
Code moonwalk
The journey of 0 & 1 to 0 - 1
To show how we have moved from binary to quantum computing
Touring Turing?
I think Computer Science: the history or Computer Science through the years would be good titles
They let you know exactly what you will get :)
The Origin of Computer Science
Fact or Myth: CS
What about -
"Bits, bytes and bots: The history of computer science"
Thought of another one -
Bytes, bits and boots: The history of CS
From Ada to ARPA and beyond
"Encounters of the Nerd Kind"
The Turing Tapes
Processing History
The Pseudocode
Bottom Up History
History Stand-up
History Points
Command Z: Back in History
Completing Turing
What about Turing Complete History?