DEV Community

Juan Burgos
Juan Burgos

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Micro-Post: Tracking TMUX pane zoom-in status

Something that I used to struggle with is remembering whether or not I'm currently zoomed into a particular pane on any particular TMUX window.

The following is what I implemented to resolve this problem for myself, and I thought this may be interesting to others.

In my tmux.conf file, I added the following zoom binding:

# automatically reload zoomed-in status
bind z {
  resize-pane -Z
  if-shell "tmux list-panes -F '#{?window_zoomed_flag,yes,no}' | grep yes" {
    set -g status-left "[#S | ZOOMED-IN ] " ## Print session label in the left side of the status bar
  } {
    set -g status-left "[#S] " ## Print session label in the left side of the status bar
# simple pane rename binding
bind R command-prompt -p "(rename-pane)" -I "#T" { select-pane -T "%%" }
# setting the pane status bar how I like it
set -g pane-border-style fg=yellow
set -g pane-active-border-style "bg=default fg=yellow"
set -g pane-border-status top
set -g pane-border-format "[ ###P | #T | CMD: `#{pane_current_command}` ]"
Enter fullscreen mode Exit fullscreen mode

The result is that when I'm "zoomed out" I see, the following in my window status bar:

──[ #0 | PANE_NAME | CMD: `zsh`]───────────
Enter fullscreen mode Exit fullscreen mode

When I zoom into pane #0, my window status bar shows the following:

──[ #0 | PANE_NAME | CMD: `zsh`]───────────
Enter fullscreen mode Exit fullscreen mode

Zooming out will automatically return the window status bar back to what it originally was:

──[ #0 | PANE_NAME | CMD: `zsh`]───────────
Enter fullscreen mode Exit fullscreen mode

I just so happened to prefer seeing the "ZOOMED-IN" statement at the very top of my TMUX session's status bar since it catches my attention more easily.

I also threw in here a simple binding for quickly changing pane titles since it's also useful.

Hope others find this info useful :-)

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Juan Burgos

Updated this page after realizing that the if-shell command I previously provided only worked on my Mac. New command works on both Mac and Linux.