Crunchy poi dog, professional grumpy pants, eternal learner.
he/she/they (don't give a hoot)
Future She-EO of So-and-Such
Writing Debut
Awarded for writing and sharing your first DEV post! Continue sharing your work to earn the 4 Week Writing Streak Badge.
4 Week Community Wellness Streak
Keep contributing to discussions by posting at least 2 comments per week for 4 straight weeks. Unlock the 8 Week Badge next.
This badge rewards those who regularly leave the first comment on other folks' posts, helping to "break the ice" and get discussions going.
Warm Welcome
This badge is awarded to our exceptional online contributors and members who consistently leave wonderful comments in the Welcome Thread. Every week, we'll handpick individuals based on their active participation in the thread and their overall contribution to our fantastic community. So, the more you engage in the Welcome Thread and help welcome new members, the higher your chances of receiving the Warm Welcome badge! 😊
2 Week Community Wellness Streak
Keep the community conversation going! Post at least 2 comments for 2 straight weeks and unlock the 4 Week Badge.
Hacktoberfest 2023 Pledge
Earned by pledging commitment and authoring a post about Hackathon experience or Hacktoberfest goals. This achievement sets participants on the path to earning other badges.
1 Week Community Wellness Streak
For actively engaging with the community by posting at least 2 comments in a single week.
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