Express Easy Routes sets up a happy medium Convention over Configuration approach to express routes.
Do you use express? Would you care to give express-easy-routes a spin?
If you are used to writing express routes this way π, you might find Express Easy Routes useful!
app.use(express.static()); // β NO!
// β NO!
app.get("/", (req, res) => {
res.send("Hello World!");
Instead of configuring each route, tell express where to find your routes.
// β
routes({ app, path: __dirname + "/middlewares/**/*.middleware.js" });
routes({ app, path: __dirname + "/controllers/**/*.controller.js" });
I have convinced Paciolan of the benefits of contributing to the open source community. I am hoping to turn this into a positive experience so they continue to give us devs the time and resources to make more contributions.
All feedback welcome! Want to contribute? Head over to the Github.
Top comments (7)
I'm currently refactoring a bunch of Express projects and I'll definitely give this a try!
Awesome. I can't wait to hear your feedback on this!
Finally got a chance to implement this in a project I'm working on! It's really straightforward. I especially like the ability to easily add global middleware. I'd love to be able to use it to wire up middleware in an individual controller, but it's cleaned up a lot of clutter already!
Glad it is helpful!
Tell me more about what, why, how of wiring up middleware to one controller. If it can't be done currently, maybe a future feature can add this.
I never realized until now you could have an orgasm over code.
LOL I guess that means you like this?