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Increase Productivity with Commands and Shortcuts

Commands and shortcuts can boost your productivity 🔥

If you are a developer, commands and shortcuts are everywhere. Knowing the commands and shortcuts saves you a lot of time.

As a programmer, you most likely use git or will have to use git. Git is a version control system that is often used to work with code.

Vim, a programmers editor, heavily uses commands/shortcuts. The w to jump to the next word, b to jump backwards, / to search, d2w to delete two words and so on.

You probably have to learn SQL if you use databases. Nearly all web apps use a database and SQL is the language that interacts with databases.

Linux commands are the most important part for the study of Linux. Without the knowledge of these commands, a normal Linux user cannot compete with an advance or an expert!

You can practice git, practice linux and others online instead of going through hundreds of manuals or blogs 😄

Show me commands

Some Linux commands are shown below. The ls command lists the contents of directories

$ ls
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The tree command lists the contents of directories in a tree-like format.

$ tree
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The du command shows disk usage for a directory and its subdirectories.

$ du
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The find command find files.

$ find . -name "*.mkv"
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The tail command just prints the last 10 lines of a file.

$ tail ~/.bash_history
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The head command prints the first 10 lines of a file.

$ head ~/.bash_history
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