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Kafeel Ahmad (kaf shekh)
Kafeel Ahmad (kaf shekh)

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Git Like a Pro: The Ultimate Cheat Sheet for Developers

Git is an essential tool for developers, enabling efficient version control, collaboration, and project management. But mastering Git requires understanding its powerful commands and workflows. This cheat sheet distills the most important Git commands and tips, empowering you to manage codebases like a pro.

Getting Started with Git

1. Initializing a Git Repository

To start tracking a project with Git, initialize a new repository:
git init
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2. Cloning a Repository

Copy an existing repository to your local machine:
git clone <repository-url>
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3. Checking the Status

View the current state of your repository:
git status
Working with Changes
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4. Adding Changes

Stage files for the next commit:

git add <file>          # Add specific file
git add .               # Add all changes
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5. Committing Changes

Save your changes with a descriptive message:

git commit -m "Your commit message here"

6. Viewing Commit History

Inspect past commits in your repository:

git log                   # Detailed log

git log --oneline # Compact one-line summary

Branch Management

Branches allow you to work on features or fixes independently.

7. Creating a New Branch

git branch <branch-name>

8. Switching Between Branches

git checkout <branch-name>

9. Creating and Switching in One Command

git checkout -b <branch-name>

10. Merging Branches

Integrate changes from one branch into another:

git merge <branch-name>

11. Deleting a Branch

git branch -d <branch-name>       # Delete after merge

git branch -D <branch-name> # Force delete

Collaborating with Remote Repositories

12. Adding a Remote Repository

git remote add origin <repository-url>

13. Pushing Changes

Send commits to a remote repository:

git push origin <branch-name>

14. Pulling Changes

Retrieve changes from a remote repository:

git pull origin <branch-name>

15. Fetching Updates

View changes in the remote without merging:

git fetch

Undoing Changes

16. Discarding Unstaged Changes

git checkout -- <file>

17. Unstaging Files

Remove files from the staging area without deleting them:

git reset <file>

18. Resetting Commits

Undo commits while keeping changes:

git reset --soft HEAD~1   # Undo last commit but keep changes staged

git reset --mixed HEAD~1 # Undo last commit and unstage changes

git reset --hard HEAD~1 # Undo last commit and discard changes

Stashing Work

19. Stash Changes

Save uncommitted work temporarily:

git stash

20. Apply Stashed Changes

git stash apply

21. View Stash List

git stash list

Inspecting and Comparing

22. Viewing Differences

Compare changes between the working directory and the staging area:

git diff

Compare staged changes with the last commit:

git diff --staged

23. Comparing Branches

git diff <branch1>..<branch2>

Rewriting History (Use With Caution!)

24. Amending the Last Commit

git commit --amend -m "Updated commit message"

25. Rewriting Commit History

Interactive rebase lets you edit multiple commits:

git rebase -i HEAD~n

Handling Conflicts

26. Resolving Merge Conflicts

When a conflict arises:

  1. Edit the conflicting files.
  2. Mark conflicts as resolved:
git add <file>

2. Complete the merge:

git commit

Advanced Tips for Git Pros

27. Using Aliases

Speed up frequently used commands:

git config --global status

git config --global checkout

git config --global branch

28. Shallow Cloning for Large Repos

Clone only the latest commit:

git clone --depth=1 <repository-url>

29. Cherry-Picking Commits

Apply specific commits from another branch:

git cherry-pick <commit-hash>

30. Bisecting to Find Bugs

Pinpoint the commit introducing a bug:

git bisect start

git bisect bad # Mark current commit as bad

git bisect good <commit-hash> # Mark a known good commit

Best Practices for Using Git

  1. Commit Often: Smaller, focused commits are easier to review and revert.
  2. Write Descriptive Commit Messages: Clearly describe what and why you've made changes.
  3. Use Branches Wisely: Create branches for features, fixes, and experiments.
  4. Pull Before You Push: Avoid conflicts by syncing with the remote before pushing.
  5. Don't Commit Secrets: Exclude sensitive information like API keys using .gitignore.


Mastering Git is about more than just memorizing commands; it's about understanding workflows, resolving conflicts efficiently, and collaborating seamlessly. With this cheat sheet in hand, you're equipped to handle Git like a pro. Whether you're managing a solo project or contributing to large-scale repositories, these commands and tips will make your version control experience smoother and more powerful.


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