Hi Everyone! I'm an aspiring developer.
I would like to know your opinion about a tool which converts hand-drawn layout into a html code, like shown in the picture...
If you think it will help fasten the process of designing a website, which helps the designer , Please reply YES (or like the post) if you agree or NO if you disagree!!(suggestions are welcome...).
Please take sometime to fill in this google form(it'll take less than a minute:))
Top comments (5)
If this is something you are going to develop, then I suggest looking into a JavaScript library called Tesseract.js
It will be handy for handwriting recognition ππ½
Thanks π
Many tools like this already exist. Top hit on Google was this: sketch2code.azurewebsites.net/
I could see this kind of thing being good for a mock-up, but for real code that's going to fit into an existing codebase & component library - not so much
This would be really cool!