Hi 👋,
If you’re interested in building Progressive Web Apps, I would like to share an open source project we've been working on for few months : bento-starter
🍱bento-starter is an Open-Source Full-Stack solution that helps you to build fast and maintainable web applications using tools like Vue.js, Firebase, Progressive Web Apps support, dynamic offline support...
The goal of this project is to provide a powerful and well configured stack (with CI/CD, hosting...) so you can focus on writing your web application very quickly.
As this project is a template project and not a CLI, you have access to the entire app configuration so you can change it according to your needs.
If you interested, fell free to take a look !
👉 Github https://github.com/kefranabg/bento-starter
👉 Doc https://bento-starter.netlify.com/
Please tweet me if you have questions ! @FranckAbgrall
Hope it will help !
Top comments (9)
Hey Franck,
Thank you so much for this starter project, I am a complete VueJS noobie ! Can you explain how to add another collection, I have tried to follow your logic, but can't quite see how the connection to the firestore db collection is made.
Many thanks in advance for your help.
Hi Ian,
Thanks for your interest !
Just added a section
How to add a new firestore collection with bento-starter ?
in the documentation !If you think something is missing in the documentation or have feature request, feel free to open an issue on github ;)
You can also join the bento-starter slack if you want to chat with us !
We'd love to get some feedback on bento-starter
How is this full stack? What's the back end?
It is full-stack thanks to firebase. Check this article for more details :) It explains the bento-starter stack ;)
Nice thanks for the article
Wow. This is cool. Thanks. Will play around with this.
Cool project!
What can you say about Apple iOS compatibility for PWA apps?
This is still not perfect ;) But every IOS new versions implements better supports for PWA.
If you want the why and how of this stack, check out this article ! 🍱