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Justin Maximillian Kimlim
Justin Maximillian Kimlim

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Whatsapp clone with MERN stack (Mongodb, Express, React, Node)

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Hello developers, I've recently created a web-based Whatsapp Clone and I'm looking for comments as I'm beginner to the MERN stack. Any comments will be appreciated. Thanks.


Top comments (23)

qusaionali profile image
Qusai Onali

what is
and where to find them?

kimlimjustin profile image
Justin Maximillian Kimlim

Hello, Qusai.
ATLAS_URI is your mongodb atlas URI. You can get it after registering in MongoDB Atlas.
SECURITY_KEY is a security key used for interaction between client and server. You can just give a random string for it.
CLIENT_URL is just your client URL, localhost:3000 if you run in local machine
REACT_APP_SECURITY_KEY is just same as SECURITY_KEY. Note that the value between them must be the same.
REACT_APP_BACKEND_URL is just your server URL, localhost:5000 is the default if you run in local machine.

qusaionali profile image
Qusai Onali • Edited

Still, it doesn't load up.

  1. after opening in localhost 3000 I cant click the submit button
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kimlimjustin profile image
Justin Maximillian Kimlim

Did you clone the latest version? Otherwise, I'll figure it out!

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qusaionali profile image
Qusai Onali

yeahh i cloned it yesterday, so i guess its new. IF YOU ARE FREE can we have a small video call type meet where I can share my screen with you? Is that okay? Btw, thanks for swift replies ;)

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kimlimjustin profile image
Justin Maximillian Kimlim

I'm sorry but I'm not free now, but I think we can just use the chat feature, or just commenting here. Btw I tested the latest version and it's good in mine, and please try to run npm install again.

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kimlimjustin profile image
Justin Maximillian Kimlim

NB: just run npm install in your server folder. Your client folder works fine, it's likely the problem with server folder

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qusaionali profile image
Qusai Onali

Did it again, a new command came npm fund , fired it, still same error

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kimlimjustin profile image
Justin Maximillian Kimlim

Could you please send the log file?

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kimlimjustin profile image
Justin Maximillian Kimlim

Btw, it's problem with npm fund, npm fund is used for funding contributors of packages

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qusaionali profile image
Qusai Onali

wheres the log file? and what to do now?

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kimlimjustin profile image
Justin Maximillian Kimlim

In your error, there's a log file link in the last error xd. Btw, could we just communicate use the instant message service?

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qusaionali profile image
Qusai Onali

Yeah, we need to mutually follow each other to chat on
that's my log file:

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kimlimjustin profile image
Justin Maximillian Kimlim

Firstly, is your npm is installed successfully with its PATH environment variable? I think this is because your npm is not registered in your PATH environment variable. Please check it by opening path > Environment Variables > PATH > Edit.

smashell10 profile image
Muhammad Faayez

@qusaionali comment this line out "res.setHeader("Access-Control-Allow-Origin", process.env.CLIENT_URL)" in index.js inside the server folder, the submit button started working for me after that

hamza12337 profile image

client@0.1.0 start C:\Users\hamza\Downloads\whatsapp-clone-master\client
react-scripts start

'react-scripts' is not recognized as an internal or external command,
operable program or batch file.
npm ERR! errno 1
npm ERR! client@0.1.0 start: react-scripts start
npm ERR! Exit status 1
npm ERR!
npm ERR! Failed at the client@0.1.0 start script.
npm ERR! This is probably not a problem with npm. There is likely additional logging output above.
npm WARN Local package.json exists, but node_modules missing, did you mean to install?

kimlimjustin profile image
Justin Maximillian Kimlim

Please run "npm install" to install dependencies as mentioned in README file

hamza12337 profile image

i do all this ,and nothing happing can you help me please

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kimlimjustin profile image
Justin Maximillian Kimlim

Yeah sure, where did you run the command? There are 2 sub directories on the project, client and server, you should run the command there

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hamza12337 profile image

hi please bro! id dont know if i can do run just to the sub of client

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kimlimjustin profile image
Justin Maximillian Kimlim

just get into the folder on your terminal, by typing cd client to get into the client folder

Look at this example of my terminal:

Btw, you can chat with me for further information about the setup. In addition, WhatsApp clone has been updated for the bug in which you should clone the latest version to avoid bug

nishchit6 profile image
Nishchith Rao


kimlimjustin profile image
Justin Maximillian Kimlim
