DEV Community


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What tools do y'all use to structure your sites?

In terms of routing, hierarchy and page arrangement, how do you guys figure out where to put which parts of your site? If there are any tools you use, what's been your experience with them?

Disclaimer: I'm currently working on building a site structure management tool, so let's just call this "market research". ;)

Top comments (2)

liftoffstudios profile image
Liftoff Studios

I don't really use any tools to figure out any hierarchy, but then again I'm a student without a degree without a job so I probably don't represent the dataset you're looking for :)

kodditor profile image

Hahaha! I'm a student too, but I've seen what happens when you try to build a large system with multiple moving parts :)
I'm looking to create a tool that benefits all developers, which includes you as well!
Thanks for the reply!