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Hey Developers, Prepare for the Certified Kubernetes Administrator(CKA) with Practice Tests

Kubernetes is one of the highest trending technology in Cloud Computing as of today. Kubernetes had the fastest growth in job searches, over a 173% from a year before as reported recently by a survey conducted by Indeed.

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Learn, practice, and get certified on Kubernetes with hands-on labs right in your browser with the Certified Kubernetes Administrators course on KodeKloud. Checkout a brief introduction below:

Simplify Complex Technology

This course helps you gain the knowledge required to design and deploy cloud native applications on a Kubernetes cluster. A series of well designed lectures with animation and illustration help you understand complex concepts easily.

Core Concepts

We start by looking at the Core Concepts — the kubernetes architecture, pods, replicasets, deployments, namespaces etc.


We then move to Scheduling in Kubernetes. We start with Labels & Selectors, followed by daemon sets and how resource limits can affect pod placements. We look at ways of manually scheduling a pod and configuring multiple schedulers and how to view the scheduler events. And finally the different ways of configuring a kubernetes scheduler.

Logging and Monitoring

In the Logging and Monitoring Section we look at different ways of monitoring and logging the cluster components as well as applications.
Application Lifecycle Management
In the application lifecycle management, we look at rolling updates and rollbacks, and various ways of configuring applications, scaling applications and the primitives necessary to create a self-healing application.

Cluster Maintenance

In the cluster maintenance section, we look at the different options available to take down a node in the cluster for maintenance purposes. We then look at how software releases are organized in Kubernetes, followed by the cluster upgrade process. You will perform an upgrade to a live cluster yourself in the practice test without taking the application down.

And finally we look at the different backup and restore methodologies.


We then move to security. We start by looking at different ways of authenticating into the cluster. We take a good look at TLS certificates. We start all the way from basics of TLS certificates into how exactly a cluster can be secured with these. So there are many practice exercises around that. You will be asked to troubleshoot and fix issues related to certificates, which I believe will give you confidence in working with certificates. We look at the new certificates API. We then look at RBACs and ABACs for authorization. We look at Network Policies, security contexts, & securing persistent key value store.

Storage in Kubernetes

In the storage section we look at Volumes, Persistent Volumes and Persistent Volume Claims. We try and understand the different access modes that can be configured for a volume. We finally look at how to configure these volumes for an application.

Kubernetes Networking

In the networking section, we start with some optional networking pre-requisites lectures. These will help you understand and troubleshoot networking in kubernetes in depth. So we start by understanding the basics of networking in Linux, basics of switching and routing and bridge networks in a linux system. We try and understand the basics of DNS, IPAM, IPTables and load balancers. And then we relate those concepts to networking in Docker.

We then start with networking in a cluster, we look at CNI and what they are. We look at one of the CNI networks in depth and how it functions. We look at how service networking works under the hoods. We then look at DNS in a kubernetes cluster. And finally Ingress networking.
And of course this section is filled with practice exercise where you will practice viewing and gathering network information from a cluster, implementing network configurations and, troubleshooting network related issues in a cluster.

Design, Install, Configure and Validate a Kubernetes Cluster

Finally we look at designing, installing, configuring and validating a kubernetes clsuter from scratch. We use Kelsey High Towers Kubernetes the hard way as the basis for this, but we deploy the cluster on our local machine using VirtualBox and Vagrant.
We understand how a High Availability cluster works, how an ETCD cluster works and the best practices in deploying an HA cluster.
We finally perform end-to-end tests on the cluster we deployed using the kubernetes testing infrastructure.

Practice! Practice! Practice!

Lectures alone won’t help you clear the certification. The Kubernetes Certification is a practical hands-on exam. You need hands-on experience, you need to get fast and you need practice. That is what our integrated hands-on lab experience gives you. Our coding quizzes can be accessed right in your browser without having to setup any lab environment yourself. We validate your work and give you feedback instantly.
Preview few lab exercises for Free here!!

After you have completed the lectures and coding exercises you will have the opportunity to complete a series of assignments that put your new skills to the test. You will be given a challenge to solve using the Kubernetes skills you have learned.

This will give you real-world experience and the chance to work with other students in the community. You will develop a Kubernetes deployment and get feedback for your work.

Checkout the Kubernetes Challenge Series below.

This course is the best way to get Certified in Kubernetes for an Absolute Beginner.
Enroll now at Certified Kubernetes Administrators course.

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