Creating and hosting a resume on GitHub Pages is an excellent approach to demonstrating your expertise in web development and version control. Follow these step-by-step instructions to generate a simple HTML resume and deploy it to GitHub Pages.
Step 1: Create a Sample Resume
Choose a Format:
- Decide whether you want to create your resume in HTML, Markdown, or a plain text file.
- For this guide, we will use HTML for a simple and visually appealing resume.
Write Your Resume in HTML:
- Open a text editor (e.g., VS Code, or Notepad++).
- Create a file named index.html and add the following sample code
Save the File:
- Save the file as index.html in a folder named resume-project.
Step 2: Create a GitHub Repository
- Go to GitHub and sign in to your account.
- Click on the + icon in the top-right corner and select New repository on the dropdown.
- Enter a repository name (e.g., gitlesson-resume).
- Choose Public repository.
- Check the box to Add a README file.
- Click Create repository.
Step 3: Set Up Your Resume Locally and Push to GitHub
Install Gitbash:
- If you don’t have Gitbash installed, download and install it from and choose either for macOS, windows, or Linux
- After the download, install and click on finish to Open the terminal
- Run these command git config --global to register/configure the user and the email
- To confirm if the command has successfully been listed: Run the command git config --list
- Create a directory for the repository: Run the command mk dir "name of directory"
- Navigate to the directory: Run the command cd "name of directory"
- Initialize a Git repository: Run the command git init
- Create an index.html file: Run the command touch index.html
- Launch the file on index.html, run the command vim index.html
- copy and paste the resume on html format from your vscode
- To save and quit vim at the same time, Run the command :wq and press Enter.
Step 4: Connect to GitHub
- Go to Github click on code drop down and copy the HTTPS url link and run it with the command git remote add origin
- Add your index.html file by running the command git add index.html
- Commit the changes, run the command git commit -m "commit"
- Link your local repository to the GitHub repository: git remote add origin
- A prompt will show on your screen to sign into your Github
Step 5: Deploy to GitHub Pages
- Go to your repository on GitHub.
- Click on Settings.
- In the left sidebar, select Pages.
- Under Branch, select main and click Save.
- Wait a few minutes for GitHub Pages to deploy your site.
- Your resume will be available at Your site is live at ...
By following these steps, you can successfully create and host a professional resume on GitHub Pages. 🚀
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