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Kunal Kumar
Kunal Kumar

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Roadmap to Master Javascript

I always wonder what it looks like to be a Javascript Master, well, I am still not a Master in Javascript šŸ˜…. Today, I will be sharing with you all, the way which I use to learn Javascript and learn it effectively.So, Let's start with the List.
Lets begin

Here Comes the List šŸ”„

  1. HTML/CSS :- Syntax, Structure, Responsive Design, Bootstrap
  2. Javascript :- Syntax, Data Types, Methods, Arrays, Objects, AJAX and DOM
  3. Essentials :- Responsive Page Layouts and Menus, UI Components, Form Manipulation (Login, Register)
  4. Advanced javascript :- Scopes, Closures, Promises, ES6, Arrow Functions, IIFEs, OOP
  5. Third Party Libraries :- NPM, Grunt, Rxjs, Lodash, UnderScore, Moment, D3, Chartjs
  6. More Essentials :- Data Manipulation and Representation, Async Operations, Search Functionality, Service Intergration
  7. Frameworks :- Vue, React, Angular
  8. Server :- NodeJs, ExpressJs
  9. Mobile :- React Native, Ionic

Everything depends on your needs and what you want to achieve. Learn according to your needs and Projects.

Feels free to write any suggestions / Comments. I appreciate your concerns. šŸ˜‡

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