Hey Pals! It's finally time to start Season 3!
Youtube, for those who don't feel like reading
(How did y'all end up on a blog, anyway??? 🤔)
I need YOUR help
I wanted to open the season with a quick reminder that I need your help to make the Adventures of Blink successful. Any web-based content is dependent on algorithms to be shared to people. Algorithms like it when you:
- React to the content with an emoji 😬🙃🔥👿🤡
- Comment on the post
- Like the Youtube video 👍🏻
- Subscribe to the Youtube channel 🔔
- Share the link with your friends 🔗
And I'd greatly appreciate it if you'd do some (or all!) of those things for me!
Before the Big Reveal... We Need To Talk
I've heard a lot of Sysadmins over the years tell me that they aren't Developers. It usually comes up when they're trying to explain why they don't care about coding practices - "I don't do that stuff!"
Yet they're writing a script that's going to handle a database upgrade across a large cluster of virtual servers...
And I can't help but see the disconnect! Scripting is coding... and coding is development... and you can benefit from developer tools and techniques.
To take it a step further, I personally believe everyone in your company is a developer, regardless of their role! And if you think about it, that means they could benefit from some dev tool and technique stuff too!
And On That Note... Season 3
Season 3 is going to be about... GIT! Version control is a foundational principle - it's how we set up guidelines for sharing our code and collaborating with our teammates.
What You Need To Do To Enjoy This Season
I'd like for you to consciously eliminate something from your thoughts as you follow along:
What's a TWWADI? It's The Way We've Always Done It... and it's a death sentence for new ideas if it's allowed to persist!
Our first reaction when we're seeing something different or new is to compare it to what we know. And that's valid... we DO want to find out if something is better or worse...
The problem is that we're really bad at judging that change quickly! We need to give a new idea space before we make a judgment call.
How To Follow Along
There's a little bit of pre-work for this season! You'll need a few tools available for use:
- Install VSCode (or your favorite editor, totally your call!)
- Install Git on your PC.
- Sign Up for GitHub (It's free!)
- Sign Up for GitLab (It's also free!)
Note that both of those free signups above do have paid features but the stuff we're going to spend most of the season learning about is within their always-free tier.
So Get Ready For Next Week
See you next Thursday as we get underway - I'm looking forward to learning how to version control together and helping you level up your dev skills! See you soon!
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