I actually have a lot of million dollar questions myself. For example, what is the technology that is going to make websites obsolete? What will be the next Facebook? Have you ever thought about something like that? Share with us :)

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Top comments (18)
What is the missing medium of travel for space?
In terrestrial travel, the environment provides the medium of travel. Ground vehicles use the terrain. Airplanes use air. Watercraft use water. The way we currently travel in space, we not only have to bring our own fuel but also our own road, so to speak. I have long wondered if there was something latent to space that spacecraft could "push off of". Space is by definition an empty vacuum, but I'm thinking more along the lines of ambient radiation or energy fields. If I had another life to live as a physicist I might research that further.
Temporal fabric.
I feel like this is a sci-fi reference I am unaware of. ☺️ I wasn’t thinking of FTL drives.
Oh, I am absolutely serious. It is something of a reference to "A Wrinkle in Time" by Madeleine l'Engle, wherein a character described a means of jumping through space by "wrinkling" the time fabric (called "tessarects" in the book).
However, recent physics research, including the fact that we picked up on the "sound" of two black holes colliding, is further strengthening the idea that there is some sort of medium (or "fabric") that could carry the (gravitational) waves generated by the collision.
You also have to understand, I'm one of those weird people that doesn't see time as linear, but rather as composed of the higher dimensions (above third).
So, in short, to jump space, you have to use time.
Ergo, temporal fabric.
I was going a little more mundane than that. For example local stars or other phenomena producing low-level energy fields (e.g. magnetic, electrical, something-undiscovered) that we could use for sub-light travel in a similar fashion to mag-lev trains. For example, the research on spacetime compression seems to fit about what I would expect (and also a temporal fabric). But I have my doubts about that specific theory.
Honestly, I think we can agree. I think temporal fabric is the medium needed, but the technology necessary to act on it would require us to actually work/build/design in higher dimensions, which may not actually be possible for us to do. (If you think about it, you can only move in as many dimensions as you can directly perceive.)
But then again, we never thought we'd fly, so we shall see.
My thought is, for that to even be possible, we need to figure out how to create artificial gravity fields, as that is clearly a force acting within the temporal fabric.
Ahem Welcome to theoretical science according to dev.to!
"Can you give me a million dollars?"
How permanent is software? Does everything eventually get thrown away or does it evolve into new things? Will there ever be a big leap that leaves the old work behind?
I think software will never be permanent. Business requirements always change or just aren't needed anymore.
I think good software will evolve for longer times than bad software, but at one point or another a new technology will come that just has too many benefits to not use.
(Also first comment ever on this site, but been reading it since i started my career )
What is the best medium to capture a user's attention for a long period of time?
My thoughts on this now: I believe podcasts are going to become much more popular going forward. After discovering some technical podcasts (Software Engineering Daily and Syntax.fm), podcasts have become a routine part of my commute. It's just soo easy to passively listen to someone talking, and switch on if it catches your interest.
Do you know of any other mediums for passive consumption? I'd love to hear more about it!
What challenges really shouldn't be solved by software, even really really great software?
There is a lot of stuff. I believe health insurance is a field where in a couple of years ai will replace a lot of human workforce.
As this is currently not a solely altruistic industry the moment the machines take over i'll believe it'll get worse.
And don't get ne started about military robots ...
We have the power to create software for a better world but the truth is it is us, the developers, who are responsible to not create a dystopia by accident
Automation is the next big thing . I know what you are thinking . You might read it in many articles , blogs etc...
But Not just in software , but in every aspects of life.
I'm an engineering graduate from Mechanical Stream . But mostly many mechanical research reached its saturation point .
Automated Manufacturing Machines are in heavy demand . If you dont trust me , Watch how tesla cars are made .
But implementing automation in Mechanical industry is the toughest job . Currently Japan is the only country with cutting edge tech in Automated Manufacturing.
A simple machine which actually uses multiple tools and tool changing will take Million Dollars of worth hardware and Tech research involved .
Many Mechanical Industries is the employes minimum or no AI based technology in their R&D,
So Instead of trying to be the next facebook, try to be Dell or Intel(Infrastructure providers).
You will definitely make millions over night
Why do babies have wrinkles? If I worked as an interviewer, I would ask this, just to see how wide people think.
When will we achieve singularity?
Will I ever be able to retire? #freelancing
After TDD, BDD... What is the next test paradigm to come?