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Guide to SafeLine Open API: Secure Your Access with API Tokens

SafeLine Open API Guide: API Token Authentication

In the latest version of SafeLine (v6.6.0 and above), the Open API now supports API token-based authentication. Although official API documentation is not currently available, you can scrape it yourself if needed.


  • You must be logged in using the default admin account to access this feature.
  • SafeLine version must be at least 6.6.0.


How to Use the Open API

Step 1: Create an API Token

First, navigate to System Management in SafeLine and generate an API token.

Image description

Step 2: Include the API Token in Your Requests

When making API calls, you need to include the token in the request headers like this:

"X-SLCE-API-TOKEN": "Your API Token from SafeLine"
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Example: Using API Token in Python to Add a Site

Below is an example of how to use the SafeLine Open API with an API token to add a new site in Python.

import requests
import json

# Define the header with your API token
header = {
    "X-SLCE-API-TOKEN": "Your API Token from SafeLine"

# API endpoint to add a site
url = 'https://<safeline_ip>:9443/api/open/site'

# Payload containing site details
payload = {
    "ports": ["80"],
    "server_names": ["*"],
    "upstreams": [""],
    "comment": "",
    "load_balance": {
        "balance_type": 1

# Convert payload to JSON
payload = json.dumps(payload)

# Send the POST request
response =, headers=header, data=payload, verify=False)

# Check the response
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  • The header contains the required API token for authentication.
  • The URL is the endpoint for adding a site (/api/open/site).
  • The payload specifies details about the site such as ports, server names, upstreams, and load-balancing configuration.

By following these steps, you can securely interact with SafeLine's Open API using token-based authentication, enabling you to automate and manage your web security setup with ease.

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