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Password protect a static HTML page
manish srivastava
manish srivastava

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Staticrypt : Password protect a static HTML page

StatiCrypt generates a static, password protected page that can be decrypted in-browser: just send or upload the generated page to a place serving static content (github pages, for example) and you're done: the javascript will prompt users for password, decrypt the page and load your HTML.

It basically encrypts your page and puts everything with a user-friendly way to use a password in the new file.

AES-256 is state of the art but brute-force/dictionary attacks would be trivial to do at a really fast pace: use a long, unusual passphrase.

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GitHub logo robinmoisson / staticrypt

Password protect a static HTML page


Based on the crypto-js library, StatiCrypt uses AES-256 to encrypt your string with your passphrase in your browser (client side).

Download your encrypted string in a HTML page with a password prompt you can upload anywhere (see example).

You can encrypt a file online at


Disclaimer if you have extra sensitive banking data you should probably use something else!

StatiCrypt generates a static, password protected page that can be decrypted in-browser: just send or upload the generated page to a place serving static content (github pages, for example) and you're done: the javascript will prompt users for password, decrypt the page and load your HTML.

It basically encrypts your page and puts everything with a user-friendly way to use a password in the new file.

AES-256 is state of the art but brute-force/dictionary attacks would be trivial to do at a really fast…

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Imagecredit: pixabay

Top comments (3)

jwkicklighter profile image
Jordan Kicklighter

What an interesting solution to this problem! I've wondered for a while what ways someone could merge passwords into the trend of static sites, and this is certainly one way to do it. Thanks for sharing.

manishfoodtechs profile image
manish srivastava

Thanks πŸ‘

sm0ke profile image

Nice ....