Not only is it Halloween🎃 week, but there are also a lot of strange things going on in the world around us, so I felt inspired to start a fun conversation about things that just really spook us out. I’ll start- by sharing a few things that spook me, bug me, and creep me out, and then you can share yours!
One thing for sure that irks me is clutter and mess. If I’m working at my desk and I can see a dirty plate or messy papers out of the corner of my eye, I completely lose focus. I can’t relax or concentrate in a messy space, no matter where I am! 👀
I’m not sure if you ever had one, but something that has creeped me out since I owned one as a child is Furbies. They seem cute on the surface but they're secretly evil.
Seriously though, who even came up with that? On that note, the movie Gremlins has also haunted me for a very long time…
What about in the tech industry or working world?
I think we can all agree that one super buggy thing is the trolls / naysayers. You know, the goblins that creep around the Internet, telling people horrifying things like: “You have to have a degree to be a developer,” or “Girls can’t code,” or even “You have to choose between SQL & NoSQL, you can’t have both.” So ignorant! So…. spooky.
What about bad documentation? Spaghetti code? Or... ghost bugs? (In case you’re wondering like I was when I stumbled across the term, a ghost bug is an open security vulnerability in some operating systems that can potentially enable attackers to execute arbitrary code on systems. I also thought it would be a good term for bugs that are really hard to find… like almost invisible... but maybe that’s just me).
Another super weird and spine-chilling phenomenon is outdated, complicated, inflexible, and/or expensive databases and data management tools. It’s 2020, how are some people still putting up with systems that provide nothing but headaches and inhibit them from doing things they really love, like rapid app development and simple integration? 🤯 It’s truly mind boggling folks.
And last but not least, though there are a lot of weird things out there, we all know that the spookiest thing of all… is people that DON'T LIKE DOGS! 😱 (It gives me chills just typing it out)
So in the spirit of ghosts and goblins, what do you find bizarre, what creeps you out, what are your biggest pet peeves?
Top comments (15)
Developers who can only run on coffee and have never tried green teas 😁
I feel that, I've been drinking a lot more tea lately!
Yeah what kind of tea care to share? 😊
I drink a lot of chai/black tea, lemon, and chamomile. Nothing too crazy!
Cool super healthy. I mostly drink green, peppermint and lemon. Always interested in sampling something different of course. Black tea might be next.
Tea is the new coffee

Clutter at the work desk irks me out too. I can't stand it. I have tried, but I cannot change stop thinking about it. I need less things at the desk I work on.
Another thing I can't get my head around in tech is being "religious" about a stack or a tool or a library or a framework, to use. Everything has its pros and cons but being biased as a dev for one thing is my pet peeve.
Yes, very true! It's alright to prefer certain tools / frameworks etc., as long as you're still open minded and understand that everything has its pros and cons.
What kind of uncivilized cretin would say that "girls can't code" in this day and age? For me, it's migrations. Any type, whether it's a database or entire cloud services. Also how some devs wish to build microservices for multi-region scalability when they don't even have any metrics to support the decision like duuuuude are you sureee your not-so-helpful extremely complex feature that doesn't sound as cool as you make it out to be is gonna be used that much?? Finally, people that use something new just because there are many celebs saying that it's cool.
PS: I kinda don't like dogs either :/ or cats, I don't like or dislike them and I'd never want to have a pet so there's that!
Wrong commit message is spooky to me.
😱 that's a good one!
Clients...who micromanage. waaaaaaa
😆 yesss, I must go back and watch that episode this week