
Mathilde Lelong
Mathilde Lelong

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#TestCulture 🦅 Episode 33 – Adopt an economic view

The first principle that SAFe adopts is the economic vision in its organisation.
This principle does not only concern the estimation of budgets, but also the whole chain of solution delivery and exploitation, notably by deploying as early and often as possible, which is the basis of a Lean/Agile/DevOps organisation in order to limit budgetary drift.
Indeed, the longer a release waits, the more:
➡️ The organisation delays the moment when it will postpone the time when the new features can make money for itself or its customers.
➡️ The planned budget and the actual cost drift.
Google introduces in its vision of DevOps the notion of "error budget"… 💭
It takes into consideration a certain economic vision linked to low quality release and the test helps to estimate the cost linked to non-quality. 🚫
Indeed, testing is first and foremost feedback and the earliest possible release contributes to the implementation of the ISTQB principle "test early"...

Learn more about why it is necessary to adopt an economic view.

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