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Mayuresh Surve
Mayuresh Surve

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πŸš€ Day 10: Packing List App πŸš€

Building a Packing List App 🧳

Today marks day 10 of my React learning journey, and I’m thrilled to share the hands-on project I developed: a dynamic packing list application! This project was a fantastic way to deepen my understanding of state management, component interaction, and styling in React. Let’s dive into the key takeaways and highlights of my experience.

Key Learnings:

1️⃣ State Management: I got a solid grasp of managing state in React using the useState hook, which I used to keep track of the items to be packed, their quantities, and whether they were packed or not.

2️⃣ Component Interaction: I explored how to efficiently pass state and functions as props between components, ensuring smooth interaction across the application.

3️⃣ Dynamic UI Rendering: The project involved conditional rendering to display different components and messages based on the current state of the packing list, making the app responsive to user actions.

Hands-on Practice:

  • Item Addition & Tracking: I implemented a form to add items to the packing list, specifying both the item name and quantity. Each item can then be checked off as it's packed, dynamically updating the list.

  • Progress Tracking: I added a progress bar to visually represent the percentage of items packed, providing instant feedback as users prepare for their trip.

  • Sorting & Filtering: The app allows users to sort the packing list based on various criteria, such as the order of input, packed status, or item name, giving them control over how they manage their list.


This project was an excellent exercise in understanding and implementing React state management and component interaction. It allowed me to create a practical application while reinforcing core React concepts. I’m excited to apply these learnings to more complex scenarios and continue my journey in mastering React!

Stay tuned for more updates on my learning journey! πŸš€

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