WhoWeB Scanner - Simple Website Scanner Tool
Author: @medjahdi
License: Python License
🔍 Introduction
WhoWeB Scanner is a simple yet powerful website scanning tool designed to gather basic information about a website. This tool is intended for educational and informational purposes only and should be used responsibly.
🚀 Features
- Extracts all links from a webpage.
- Detects cookies used on the site.
- Retrieves website IP address and its associated country.
- Finds email addresses (if present in
links). - Checks for Apache server and PHP usage.
- Identifies the presence of Google Analytics.
- Detects frames on the webpage.
- Lists uncommon HTTP headers.
- Displays page title and the number of meta tags.
🛠 Installation & Usage
1️⃣ Prerequisites
Ensure you have Python 3.x installed on your system.
2️⃣ Install Required Libraries
pip install requests beautifulsoup4 colorama
3️⃣ Run the Scanner
python whoweb_scanner.py [URL]
Replace [URL]
with the website you want to scan.
⚠️ Disclaimer
🚨 Important: This tool is for educational and research purposes only. Unauthorized scanning of websites may violate their terms of service. Use responsibly.
💻 Author
Developed by @medjahdi
📌 GitHub Repository: WhoWeB Scanner
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