Managing multiple versions of Node.js on your Ubuntu system is crucial for development. Node Version Manager (NVM) simplifies this process, allowing you to switch between different versions effortlessly.
Step-by-Step Installation
- Update Your System: ```
sudo apt update
2. **Install Curl**:
sudo apt install curl
3. **Download and Install NVM**:
curl -o- | bash
4. **Activate NVM**:
export NVM_DIR="$([ -z "${XDG_CONFIG_HOME-}" ] && printf %s "${HOME}/.nvm" || printf %s "${XDG_CONFIG_HOME}/nvm")"
[ -s "$NVM_DIR/" ] && . "$NVM_DIR/" # This loads nvm
5. **Verify NVM Installation**:
nvm --version
6. **Install Node.js Using NVM**:
nvm install node
7. **Set Default Node.js Version**:
nvm alias default node
8. **Check Installed Node.js Version**:
node --version
#### Managing Node.js Versions
- **Install Specific Version**:
nvm install
- **Switch Node.js Version**:
nvm use
- **List Installed Versions**:
nvm ls
- **Uninstall Node.js Version**:
nvm uninstall
#### Conclusion
Using NVM on Ubuntu provides flexibility and control over your Node.js environment, making development smoother and more efficient.
To know how to install the NVM on Windows please have a look:
[How to install NVM(Node Version Manager) on Windows](

To learn about the Docker basics please have a look:
[What is Docker and why do we use it?](
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