DEV Community

Michael Tharrington
Michael Tharrington

Posted on

Calling all indie game developers, come show off your games! 👾

Have you developed an indie game or are possibly developing an indie game? I'd love to hear about it!

Drop a comment below linking to one of your games — or even better, drop a link to a post that you wrote about developing the game!

Not an indie game developer, but still wanna play? No sweat, drop a link to your favorite indie game or indie game related post. 👾

Top comments (42)

orion3d profile image
Orion3D • Edited

Hi there, I've been working on a open source multiplayer rpg on the web using Babylon.js and colyseus and after alot of work it is starting to look like something :) check it out here:

I've written quite a few post about it here to show progress and struggles:

or on the babylon.js forum :

let me know what you guys think ? :)

jorger profile image
Jorge Rubiano

Hi, I don't consider myself a game developer, I like to develop games as a hobby and to learn new web technologies, I have developed several games in libraries such as ReactJS, you can see them in this link:

I have written several articles from my development experience on this site.

calebanthony profile image
Caleb Anthony

Curious how you can develop all these cool web games but not consider yourself a game developer? These are great!

michaeltharrington profile image
Michael Tharrington

Thanks sooo much for sharing. This is a seriously dope puzzle game!!

Have you published this game to purchase anywhere, yet?

miketalbot profile image
Mike Talbot ⭐ • Edited

Game Image

Wabbits! For web, iOS, Mac and Android. I made this in a month while out of work.

Play it here

michaeltharrington profile image
Michael Tharrington

Holy ~cow~ wabbit, this game is beautiful! There are so many actions you can take took! This is legit. 🙌

miketalbot profile image
Mike Talbot ⭐

Thanks so much!

calebanthony profile image
Caleb Anthony

Great discussion idea! I've developed one (finished) browser game called Elethor.

I've started to write a bit about my thoughts and the process that goes into making these types of games. You can see some on my profile, but this is most recent one I shared on here:

michaeltharrington profile image
Michael Tharrington • Edited

Oh wow! This looks dope. 🙌

I love the character designs I'm seeing. Admittedly, gonna have to wait until later to register and actually dig in, but I'll let you know my thoughts on gameplay once I do!

Side note: that is one detailed post ya shared here. Thanks so much for dropping it here. And so cool that you went the atypical route and built this on Laravel! 😀

calebanthony profile image
Caleb Anthony

Haha, I appreciate the feedback on the post! There's a couple more posts on my blog at that also go into a bunch of detail as well as some nuts and bolts. I'll be sharing those over here soonish too.

naruaika profile image
Naufan Rusyda Faikar • Edited

I'm not an indie game developer. But it happened that a client of ours asked to create a simple one, so here it is: Since it's my very first game, so there's lots that can be improved.

michaeltharrington profile image
Michael Tharrington

Awwww yeah! The little blood bag character is darn cute... haha, never expected to hear that sentence come out of my mouth. (And yes, I said it out loud, haha!)

pic of my high score on Blood Bag Rush

ant_kuranov profile image
Anton Kuranov

Hi, several years ago Telegram Messenger announced its Gaming Platform, so I created a bot that allows to play Chess online with anyone of your contacts:

Chess Online

In my past I was developing online multiplayer board games using Java & Applets technology. One of my old projects:

michaeltharrington profile image
Michael Tharrington

Oh heck yeah! I love some online chess.

Really, online chess is what taught me how to play because they limit your moves to only things that are possible.

The UI for your version looks great! Very nicely done. 🙌

netervati profile image

Here's a video of all the JavaScript games I made in 1 year from 2021-2022:

All of them are simple games, which I mostly built for fun and to test my knowledge in JS.

svgatorapp profile image

Do you have a list of indie game favorites? Curious to see more :)

michaeltharrington profile image
Michael Tharrington

Aww man... I could probs write a comment for days on this, but I'm going to try and contain myself, haha!

I think my all-time favorite Indie game is #IDARB

Here's a video that helps explain what it's all about:

It is sooooooo competitive, haha. If you play this game with a friend it'll really test your friendship! 🤣

svgatorapp profile image

survive this game and you've got a friend for life lol Awesome!

Thread Thread
michaeltharrington profile image
Michael Tharrington

Haha, exactly!!

michaeltharrington profile image
Michael Tharrington

I'll say this though, sometimes I like the idea of indie games more than I actually like playing them (this isn't just true of indie games though... it's true about triple A games too!)...

For example, I love the fact that there's still indie game devs out there building games for the Sega Dreamcast! It's just so cool to me that this scene exists.

michaeltharrington profile image
Michael Tharrington

Not long ago, I heard about a game called Receipt Racer. It's too cool not to share!

I really love originality in games and this certainly checks that box!

auroratide profile image
Timothy Foster

Rubber Juggle was my entry for the GMTK 2021 Game Jam! You just bounce balloons on some rubber bands.

michaeltharrington profile image
Michael Tharrington

Haha, this is so awesome!!

I'd love to play this on a touch screen and could totally see myself getting lost in it for a while.

Side note: loving the banjo heavy tune!

andrasnyarai profile image
Andras Nyarai

hey guys, atm developing a physics based 3d game inspired by xquest.

I started it a few days ago, but it was in my mind for ages.

You can try it out here, only desktop controls are enabled WASD.
You can collect the yellow balls, and avoid the red ones. Have fun :)

ironcladdev profile image
Conner Ow

Not really any indie games, but here's one I just recently made that won 1st in a jam

michaeltharrington profile image
Michael Tharrington

Sweet! Tower defense is always fun. 🙌

miketalbot profile image
Mike Talbot ⭐
michaeltharrington profile image
Michael Tharrington

Wow! Loving this!! 🙌

vikcch profile image

I made this multiplayer browser game a while ago, not to popular, but I still enjoy playing with my friends, it's the 3 coin drinking game aka spoof game.

michaeltharrington profile image
Michael Tharrington

Oooo nice! Checking out the rules and it sounds like a fun one. Next time I get some folks together for a drinking game I might have to bust this out. Appreciate ya sharing!

vikcch profile image

Thanks, i recently added a featured to create a game that you can share a link to play with someone in particular, only heads-up... but you guys can join the same room and will be match together because there is almost no one playing anytime..

tonfotos profile image

I wrote this one pure js + canvas API:
Classic arkanoid clone, works on desktop as well as on mobile phones.

michaeltharrington profile image
Michael Tharrington

Haha, this is addicting!!

tonfotos profile image
