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Mike Solomon
Mike Solomon

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tl;dr &&

I just launched! It's a browser-based audio sandbox that uses PureScript as its input language.

Below is a small tutorial using my favorite coding technique: copy and paste. For each example below:

  • Copy and paste the entire snippet into the editor after deleting whatever gunk was there before.
  • Press k then ENTER to compile.
  • Press p then ENTER to play.
  • Press s then ENTER to stop.

Use Firefox! 🦊 + 🎧 = πŸ’ͺ

Hello klank

A simple sine wave.

Try me on

module Klank.Dev where

import Prelude
import Data.Typelevel.Num (D1)
import FRP.Behavior (Behavior)
import FRP.Behavior.Audio (AudioUnit, gain', runInBrowser, sinOsc, speaker')
import Type.Klank.Dev (Klank, klank)

scene :: Number -> Behavior (AudioUnit D1)
scene = const $ pure (speaker' (gain' 0.2 $ sinOsc 220.0))

main :: Klank
main = klank { run = runInBrowser scene }
Enter fullscreen mode Exit fullscreen mode

Two's company

Double the sine waves, double the fun.

Try me on

module Klank.Dev where

import Prelude
import Data.Typelevel.Num (D1)
import Data.List ((:), List(..))
import Data.NonEmpty ((:|))
import FRP.Behavior (Behavior)
import FRP.Behavior.Audio (AudioUnit, gain', runInBrowser, sinOsc, speaker)
import Type.Klank.Dev (Klank, klank)

scene :: Number -> Behavior (AudioUnit D1)
scene = const $ pure (speaker 
  ((gain' 0.2 $ sinOsc 220.0) 
  :| (gain' 0.1 $ sinOsc 330.0)
  : Nil))

main :: Klank
main = klank { run = runInBrowser scene }
Enter fullscreen mode Exit fullscreen mode


Atari speech πŸ€–

Try me on

module Klank.Dev where

import Prelude
import Effect.Class(liftEffect)
import Effect.Aff(Aff, launchAff_)
import Control.Promise(toAffE)
import Data.List ((:), List(..))
import Data.NonEmpty ((:|))
import Effect.Class(liftEffect)
import Foreign.Object as O
import Data.Traversable(sequence)
import Data.Typelevel.Num (D1)
import FRP.Behavior (Behavior)
import Data.Vec((+>), empty)
import Type.Klank.Dev(Klank, klank, affable)
import FRP.Behavior.Audio (AudioUnit,
 BrowserAudioTrack, gain', gain, makeAudioTrack, play, loopBuf, 
 runInBrowser, makePeriodicWave, sinOsc, speaker, BrowserAudioBuffer, CanvasInfo)

import Math (pi, sin)

vol = 1.4

scene :: Number -> Behavior (AudioUnit D1)
scene time = let
      rad = pi * time
      pure $ speaker  ((gain' (0.3 * vol) (loopBuf "atar" (1.0 + 0.1 * sin rad) 0.0 0.0) )
     :| (gain' (0.15 * vol)
          (loopBuf "atar" 
             (1.5 + 0.1 * sin (2.0 * rad))
             (0.1 + 0.1 * sin rad)
             (0.5 + 0.25 * sin (2.0 * rad))))
     : (gain' (0.3 * vol) (loopBuf "atar" 0.25 0.0 0.0) )
     : Nil)

buffers ctx _ = affable $ sequence (
    O.singleton "atar"
        $ toAffE (decodeAudioDataFromUri ctx ""))

main :: Klank
main = klank {
    run = runInBrowser scene,
    buffers = buffers
Enter fullscreen mode Exit fullscreen mode

Fake cricket

Click the πŸ–±οΈ while this is playing 😁

Try me on

module Klank.Dev where

import Prelude
import Data.List ((:), List(..))
import Data.NonEmpty ((:|))
import Data.Typelevel.Num (D1, D2)
import Foreign.Object as O
import Data.Vec((+>), empty)
import Effect.Class(liftEffect)
import Data.Set(isEmpty)
import FRP.Behavior (Behavior)
import FRP.Behavior.Audio (AudioUnit, gain', 
  runInBrowser_, dup1, panner, merger,
  sinOsc, play, speaker,
import Math (pi, sin)
import Type.Klank.Dev(Klank, klank, affable)
import FRP.Behavior.Mouse (buttons)
import FRP.Event.Mouse (Mouse, getMouse)

scene :: Mouse -> Number -> Behavior (AudioUnit D2)
scene mouse time = f time <$> click
  f s cl =
      rad = pi * s
        ( (gain' (if cl then 0.01 else 0.0) $ sinOsc (1830.0 + (20.0 * sin (0.2 * rad))))
            + (gain' (if cl then 0.01 else 0.0) $ sinOsc (1840.0 + (if cl then 50.0 else 0.0)))
        ) \mono ->
          $ ( (panner rad (merger (mono +> mono +> empty)))
                :| (gain' 0.5 $ (play "forest"))
                : Nil

  click :: Behavior Boolean
  click = map (not <<< isEmpty) $ buttons mouse

tracks _ = affable (do
  forest <- liftEffect $ makeAudioTrack ""
  pure $ O.singleton "forest" forest)

enableMicrophone = true

main :: Klank
main = klank {
    run = runInBrowser_ do
      mouse <- getMouse
      pure $ scene mouse
  , tracks = tracks
Enter fullscreen mode Exit fullscreen mode

Modulating voice

This one uses your microphone, so please only run it with headphones!

Try me on

module Klank.Dev where

import Prelude
import Data.Symbol (SProxy(..))
import Data.Tuple (Tuple(..))
import Data.Typelevel.Num (D1)
import FRP.Behavior (Behavior)
import FRP.Behavior.Audio (AudioUnit, g'add, g'bandpass, g'delay, g'gain, graph, microphone, runInBrowser, speaker')
import Math (pi, sin)
import Record.Extra (SLProxy(..), SNil)
import Type.Data.Graph (type (:/))
import Type.Klank.Dev (Klank, klank)

scene :: Number -> Behavior (AudioUnit D1)
scene time =
    $ speaker'
        ( graph
            { aggregators:
                { out: Tuple g'add (SLProxy :: SLProxy ("combine" :/ SNil))
                , combine: Tuple g'add (SLProxy :: SLProxy ("gain" :/ "mic" :/ SNil))
                , gain: Tuple (g'gain 0.9) (SLProxy :: SLProxy ("del" :/ SNil))
            , processors:
                { del: Tuple (g'delay (0.7 + 0.45 * sin (0.25 * time * pi))) (SProxy :: SProxy "filt")
                , filt: Tuple (g'bandpass 440.0 1.0) (SProxy :: SProxy "combine")
            , generators:
                { mic: microphone

main :: Klank
main =
    { enableMicrophone = true
    , run = runInBrowser scene
Enter fullscreen mode Exit fullscreen mode

For more info...

I'm slowly but surely adding examples and documentation to A good place to start is here. If anything's broken, it's my fault. Please file a bug report on the discourse using the Site feedback tag.

THANK YOU for checking out, I hope you have fun, and please share what you make!

Top comments (2)

rocknrenew profile image
Jonny Dubowsky

This is awesome! Great educational materials to build up computational thinking. Keep up the good work!

mikesol profile image
Mike Solomon

Thanks Jonny! I hope you enjoy klank, and if you feel like sharing, please post a couple klanks on the newly-minted discourse!