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Mikkel lausen
Mikkel lausen

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4 AI Tools I Use in My Day-to-Day Work as a Startup Founder and Software Engineer

In the ever-changing world of software engineering, as a startup founder, I always strive to find ways to improve my workflow and optimize the way I work. And as you probably already know, AI can help with many things in these areas. Therefore, I want to write this article to help anyone in a similar position to mine. Maybe this will change your own workflow or give you some tools to optimize the way you work.

1. IntelliOptima: The Collaborative Powerhouse
In my daily work, IntelliOptima stands out as my main AI tool. Given the nature of the platform, it works as an all-in-one tool for AI use. I use it as an individual to access various AI models, but it also facilitates communication with my team, where we can leverage different AI models for various project needs. For instance, while brainstorming ideas, I can interact with language models to generate insights or solutions. When coding, I can share my work and invite some of my team members into the chatroom to give them context into what I am doing. The platform's context-aware capabilities mean that it understands our discussions and provides relevant suggestions based on our conversations. Think of it like Slack but with AI deeply integrated into the platform and its features. I highly recommend IntelliOptima to everyone, whether you work for yourself or within a team; it is super beneficial for everyone.


IntelliOptima - Collaborate together with AI

2. Cursor IDE: Enhancing Coding Efficiency
I guess many of you already know about the Cursor IDE, but I recently spoke to another startup in the community space we work in, and they had never heard about it. So, I told them about it, and seeing their face light up when I spoke about it made me want to add it to this list as well.
Cursor IDE has become my essential coding environment. The AI-assisted code completion feature is a game changer It saves me significant time when writing boilerplate code and auto-generating suggestions, and it even gives me the opportunity to give specific files as context to the questions I have about certain pieces of code.
When I need to improve my code's structure, I often turn to Cursor's code refactoring suggestions. This feature provides me with insights on how to enhance my code, making it cleaner and more efficient. I highly recommend it to fellow developers looking to elevate their coding experience.

Cursor IDE

Cursor IDE

3. Canva: Creating Visual Aids Effortlessly
As a startup founder, I find myself working to market my own product, and the best way I have found to create visuals or presentations is Canva. When it comes to the visuals, I actually don't use the AI capabilities a lot since I like giving all of the marketing material my own twist and look, which their AI capabilities can’t match. However, when I write text for the presentation, using the Rewrite, shorten, or continue writing features really helps me out a lot. I am an engineer, and I have not always been very great at spelling or giving the right structure to the text, but with AI available right inside the presentation itself, I am given all the capabilities I need to quickly create and ship new visuals or presentations. So, their AI features can really enhance the speed at which I can pump out marketing material and visuals in my daily work.



4. Amazon Q: AI-Powered Command Line Completions
This is probably one of the lesser-known tools, but that doesn't make it any less essential to my work. As described before, I am an engineer, and that means, for better or for worse, I need to use the terminal. With the command line being one of the oldest parts of any computer system, and believe it or not, it was once the only way to use a computer (my fellow old souls will remember this).
Amazon Q really helps with the things that lack in the terminal, giving suggestions within the terminal itself. The Amazon Q tool suggests contextually relevant subcommands, options, and arguments for various CLIs, such as git, npm, docker, and aws. This feature significantly speeds up my development process by reducing the time I spend typing and minimizing the risk of errors. And we all know the struggle of typing in a long command, but spelling one tiny thing wrong, and then the whole command fails or parts of it run and then mess everything up.

Amazon Q Developer

This concludes my list of different AI-powered tools that I think any startup founder or engineer should take a look at. At least give them a try, see if you can fit them into your own workflow, and hopefully, you will take away some smart ways of using these tools in your work.

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