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JavaScript Data Structures: Hash Table: Setup

Intro 🌐

Last time, we learned how to handle hash collisions.

Today, we'll use all of the stuff we learned so far to setup our Hash Table.

Requirements πŸ’­

We need the following parts to setup our Hash Table:

  • a Hash Table class
  • a container for our data
  • the size of the data
  • a hash function that inputs a key and outputs an array index

Implementation β›‘

// a Hash Table class
class Hashtable {
  constructor() {
    // a container for our data = []

    // the size of the data
    this.size = 0

  // a hash function that inputs a key and outputs an array index
  hash(key) {
    const chars = key.split('')
    const charCodes = => char.charCodeAt())
    const charCodeSum = charCodes.reduce((acc, cur) => acc + cur)
    return charCodeSum
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If you are not familiar with the hash function, re-read this post.


// create a new hash table
const newHashtable = new Hashtable()

// hash table should have no data and size 0
// Hashtable { data: [], size: 0 } βœ…
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Next Part ➑️

We'll learn how to add data to our Hash Table.

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Further Reading πŸ“–

Questions ❔

  • How would you implement the Hash Table?
  • How would you build the hash function? Why?

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