Guys, do you remember my first post. It was 2 weeks before and was about a random quote generator
I completed working on citeal 2.0 version
Today I will tell you how I made Citeal 2.0
OK, first of all MY IDEA π‘
The basic idea is to create an app that would send you quote in the form notifications while you chill out testing your dream app or coding an application that would change your life. Cuz...
Motivation is very important while you work
Well that's simple, easy and creative
Next up, My execution π
The plan is simple, First get a time input from the user to decide at which regular time you send notifications. Next, set an interval and after a regular send notification. The most important thing get quotes from a third part api or create your own rest api. I started by a simple function that would convert minutes to milliseconds (that is how setInterval function in js takes time as).
time = input.value
seconds = time * 60
milliseconds = seconds * 1000
Next get the quote through an async function. And register it in a global variable. Have a function called notify that would call the quote function first (to get a random quote) and use that data to send a simple javascript notification to the browser. Now dump the time and the notify function inside the setInterval function. Tada π Prototype complete. There is a catch how do we stop the interval. Now, I put the setInterval inside a constant and then use the clearInterval method to clear it up. I further tweaked things such as onclick event changing, author and quote placement and many more.
The time, My strugglesπ
Ok, I made the input work in such a way that only numbers can be typed what happens when we give negative minutes ?

I am honest my computer almost got wrecked and was about to crash. What am I supposed to do now, there is no other way. I am the worst. MY CODING SKILLS ARE ALL WORSE

Then, my spider senses told me that just give them an alert before they do anything. Yeah man ! I am the best. I am the best in the world. MY CODING SKILL ARE THE BEST
After working and completing all css styles I accidentally removed a bracket for a function.

My app again gave me a bunch of notification. My computer was about to crash, the very second time

It's ok I saved my dearest computer the second time and starting working on Tiny Little details such as the logo you are seeing right now
I made this using canva (Honest). After that I made the intro video for the app. Completed testing and responsiveness. Then, I deployed it to the web using firebase. Yeah broooooooo ! I made my freaking app, go check it out right now: Citeal 2.0
So, to use the app just click on the flag icon on the top bro. Then, simply enter the minutes and you get a notification after the particular time you entered regularly. Suppose, Every 5 minutes. I am using this app right now writing this post and it is really motivating ( trust me guys)
Last words
This app took about 10 days to make and most of the time I was designing the app. I was really happy with end product thank you guys, you were supporting in all times. It is really motivating ( more than my app π)
Lastly, I wanna tell you guys I reached 1K followers in just 2 weeks π. I am really grateful to you guys especially:
My first three followers:
- @gowley_tizie_0b91cd8a9a2c (You were the one who inspired me to post on
- @mayank5515
- @joel_roy8140
My 1000,999,998 followers:
998) @claudiadejesusdantas
999) @dino2328
1000) @footroot (Thank you very much. I waited at 999 for so much time)
Read, follow and comment to get shoutout like this. Random shoutouts regularly every week π.
Thank you, all those who followed thank you so much !!!!
Top comments (4)
Nice work man, congratulations!
Keep it up. And the app is nice too!
Thank you π
Thanks a lot, I am @dino2328 π
Oh, thanks for following