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Jayesh Tembhekar āš”
Jayesh Tembhekar āš”

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Six Sigma Belts šŸ„‹

A Six Sigma project uses ā€œBeltsā€ to help define the roles of people on the team.

Six Sigma White Belt

A Six Sigma ā€œWhite Beltā€ is an entry-level certification for those individuals who need to have a basic understanding of what Six Sigma is.
These individuals are not involved in a Six Sigma project but may work in a company or department going through a Six Sigma process improvement.

Six Sigma Yellow Belt

A Six Sigma ā€œYellow Beltā€ is typically a subject-matter expert (SME) in a particular subject or area of the business being reviewed. These members are generally not involved with the Six Sigma project directly. Instead, they may provide information and assistance to Green Belts (as subject matter experts) so that they can better understand a particular segment of the business.

Six Sigma Green Belt

A Six Sigma ā€œGreen Beltā€ is an employee who takes on a Six Sigma implementation project along with his or her other job responsibilities, operating under the guidance of Black Belts.
A Green Belt works to understand which business processes are not performing as needed, identify root causes of problems, analyze and improve contributing factors, and sustain gains in those improvements.

Six Sigma Black Belt

A Six Sigma ā€œBlack Beltā€ has knowledge of Six Sigma philosophies and principles and leads a team during a Six Sigma project. They must have both leadership and project management skills to be successful.

Six Sigma Master Black Belt / Champion

A Six Sigma ā€œMaster Black Beltā€ is in charge of training Black Belts and Green Belts in Six Sigma processes. They are also a go-to reference for ideas and theories during a project. Master Black Belts typically have years of experience as a Black belt, before taking on the Master Black Belt role.
A Six Sigma Champion is a senior executive within the organization whose role is sponsoring specific projects. They have the authority within the organization to allocate resources for the project.

Six Sigma Belts šŸ„‹ Levels

Six Sigma Belts

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