As I am writing this post I am sitting next to a horse show ring in Ocala, FL waiting to show my horse.
What is the most unique place you have pulled out your laptop and snuck in some work??? 😃
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Top comments (51)
One of the best that I have a pic of. I've been in some other sweet locations as well.
That's just asking for trouble!
Maybe, but working there worth it :). That was almost two years ago, and that bad boy it's still with me everyday. Maybe I should upload more "dangerous" places xD
The anxiety levels amongst members will rise exponentially.
Incredible location, though even just looking at this picture is giving me anxiety. 😅
No anxiety needed, it was a stable rock! xD
Have another look :P
How's that thinkpad treating you? also which OS are you using?
Top notch! I use it all day long since more than two years now. Always and only with ArchLinux ;)
I'm currently typing away next to a cat tower in my home office, and that's about as interesting as it gets for me. 😄
Oh, look a cat!
As much as I like being outside and traveling, I'm way too easily distracted, and so try my hardest to keep a consistent working environment.
Then again, I'm new to the whole WFH thing and new to my job... maybe as I get a little more comfortable, I'll try and mix it up!
WFH FTW!!!! Enjoy it!
As an animal lover myself(I have 2 dogs) I bet at some point you find yourself online at your vet's office! LOL I have never pulled out my laptop there, but I have definitely fielded lots of Slack messages via my phone 😉
Haha, well actually... my wife is a vet! So yep, it's bound to happen one way or another. 😆
Many years ago I did some work testing microwave networking sitting fairly close to this spot. It was a bit nice... :-)
Holy postcard photo!!! 😍
It's the Isle of Skye off the north-west coast of Scotland :-) It's a very pretty (and dramatic!) part of the world :-)
One time I Pulled out my laptop to deal with an outage on a busy street in Williamsburg, Brooklyn on a Friday night. Basically I’m on a bench surrounded by partying pedestrians and I’m looking at production logs.
Hopefully never again.
HA, I have been in a similar situation! Was at a wedding at a banquet hall, work alarms started going off so I ran out to my car. Got everything handled and ran back inside just before the wedding party entered. Thank the lord it was an open bar later that evening, I needed it 😉
It was not me but my roommate in a hospital. We were waiting for our hernia operations.
I was already naked, covered in a blanket, ready to be moved in the operating room.
Nervous as (#@$(&*.
His (a fellow sysadmin) operation was due in half an hour. He was still providing remote support for some client on his laptop.
OMG, now that is some serious dedication!
I would say my living room. No other place like it! But I'm sure that's not in the vein of this post so here's another: Sicily, looking at Mt Etna.
2am at the Shisha Jazz Cafe in Pune, India.
Me and a few friends huddled around a laptop firefighting production issues surrounded by drunk 20-somethings and brilliant jazz music.
Not something I've made a habit of. But pub-production-support is definitely the most enjoyable kind of production support.
🙌 100% bc then as soon as you are done you can grab a much needed drink!
We travelled around France and Italy for a month in summer 2017. This was my view from the terrace of the farmhouse we AirBNBed in Tuscany, Italy as I helped QA a regulatory return.
My kids were just out of shot chasing lizards around the garden.
This is truly the beauty of being able to take our work anywhere! You can have experiences like this and still be productive. I still pinch myself that I can do this! Never gets old.
Amen to that. For me it put the final nail in the coffin of the old idea that you could only be productive sitting in the same open plan, noisy, centralised office as everyone else.
A terrace in a godforsaken place in south Italy, with unstable internet 10 meters away from this work station
Keep your friends close and your internet closer lol
Looks like you are a standing person too! 😃 haha I love how creative we can get when working in a new place and want a standing setup!
I like to switch between various sitting and standing positions, this way my back complains much less. :D
I worked 6 hrs straight sitting in from of Niagara falls, at times you got to do what you got to do.
I am jealous
Not only a pretty picture but solid white noise if you like that!
A beautiful view for sure and i was lucky there was not much of a crowd that day. i would definitely want to do it again, but in a more relaxed situation.