Classes were introduced in ECMAScript 6, and we can use them to structure our code in a traditional OOP fashion by defining a template for creating objects.
In this post we'll learn everything about ES6 classes, then we will compare them to constructor functions and prototypal inheritance.
A quick word before we start. This article is intended to appeal to a wide range of readers. So, if you're an advanced JS user, you can use the table of contents below to select which sections to read. If, on the other hand, you're just getting started with JS and you're having trouble understanding something, feel free to ask me in the comments section.
Table of Contents
- Anatomy of a class
- Creating an object with a class
- Inheritance
- Comparison with Constructor functions
- Wrap up
We will see how to define classes and how to create objects using them, then we will talk about inheritance and more - But first, let's start right away by taking a look at the anatomy of a class.
Anatomy of a class
The class
To declare a class we use the class
keyword followed by the name of the class.
Class declaration
class Point {
constructor() {}
In the snippet above we declared a "Point" class. This is called a class declaration.
Note that I'm using the PascalCase notation for the name of the class. This is not mandatory but a common convention.
In fact classes are special functions, and like with functions, you can use either class declarations or class expressions.
Class expression
This is a class expression:
let Point = class {
constructor() {}
The constructor method is a special method for creating and initialising an object created with a class.
There can only be one constructor in each class. A SyntaxError will be thrown if the class contains more than one occurrence of a constructor.
It is not mandatory to have a constructor in the class definition. The code bellow is valid.
class Point { }
Instance properties
Instance properties must be defined inside of class methods. In the snippet below x
and y
are instance properties:
class Point {
constructor(a, b) {
this.x = a;
this.y = b;
The code can be more self documenting by declaring fields up-front. Let's refactor the code above using fields, and while we're at it, let's give them a default value:
class Point {
x = 0;
y = 0;
constructor(a, b) {
this.x = a;
this.y = b;
Note that fields are always present whereas instance properties must be defined inside of class methods.
Note also that fields can be declared with or without a default value.
Private fields
To declare a private field all you have to do is prefix its name with #
. See the code below:
class Point {
#x = 0;
#y = 0;
constructor(a, b) {
this.#x = a;
this.#y = b;
Trying to access a private field outside the scope of the class will result in a syntax error.
Note that instance properties can not be private, only fields can. So you can't create an instance property with the
prefix. This would result in a syntax error.
Public methods
To declare a method we can use the ES6 shorter syntax for method definitions on objects:
class Point {
#x = 0;
#y = 0;
translate(a, b) {
this.#x += a;
this.#y += b;
Private methods
Like we did with private fields, we can use a #
as a prefix of our private methods:
class Point {
#x = 0;
#y = 0;
constructor(x, y) {
this.#setXY(x, y)
translate(a, b) {
this.#x + a,
this.#y + b);
// Private method
#setXY(x, y) {
this.#x = x;
this.#y = y;
Generator methods
The same way as public methods we can declare generator methods:
class Point {
#x = 0;
#y = 0;
#historyPositions = [];
translate(a, b) {
this.#x += a;
this.#y += b;
[this.#x, this.#y]
*getHistoryPositions() {
for(const position of this.#historyPositions){
yield position;
In the snippet above we declared a getHistoryPositions
generator method.
Note: to declare a private generator method use this syntax:
*#getHistoryPositions() {}
Getters and Setters
To implement getters and setters we use the get
and set
Here is an example:
class Point {
#x = 0;
#y = 0;
get position() {
return [this.#x, this.#y];
set position(newPosition) {
// newPosition is an array like [0, 0]
[this.#x, this.#y] = newPosition;
Static fields and methods
Static methods and fields (of a class) can be defined using the static
keyword. Static members (fields and methods) cannot be called through a class instance and must be called without instantiating the class.
Static methods are frequently used to construct utility functions, whereas static properties are excellent for caching, fixed-configuration, or any other data that does not need to be copied across instances.
Here is an example of a static method:
class Point {
static isEqual(pointA, pointB) {
const [x1, y1] = pointA.position;
const [x2, y2] = pointB.position;
return x1 === x2 && y1 === y2;
#x = 0;
#y = 0;
get position() {
return [this.#x, this.#y];
constructor(a, b) {
[this.#x, this.#y] = [a, b];
// Consider that p1 and p2 are both instances of Point
Point.isEqual(p1, p2) // Boolean
Creating an object with a class
The new
To create a new instance of a class we use the new
class Point {}
const point = new Point();
Function declarations and class declarations can be distinguished by the fact that function declarations are hoisted whereas class declarations are not. You must first define and then access your class; otherwise, code like this will throw a ReferenceError:
const point = new Point(); // ReferenceError
class Point {}
The extends
In class declarations or class expressions, the extends
keyword is used to create a class that is a child of another class (a subclass).
We'll look at an example in the next section.
The super keyword is used to access and call functions on an object's parent.
If there is a constructor present in the subclass, it needs to first call super()
before using this
See the code below:
class Vehicle {
#numberOfPassengers = 0;
constructor(nb) {
this.#numberOfPassengers = nb;
getNumberOfPassengers() {
return this.#numberOfPassengers;
class Car extends Vehicle {
constructor() {
class Bike extends Vehicle {
constructor() {
const car = new Car();
const bike = new Bike();
car.getNumberOfPassengers(); // 5
bike.getNumberOfPassengers(); // 1
In class constructors,
refers to the constructor that was called directly by new. This is also true if the constructor belongs to a parent class and was delegated from a child constructor.
class Vehicle {
constructor() {
class Car extends Vehicle {
constructor() {
new Vehicle(); // Vehicle
new Car(); // Car
Consider the following use case: If we want the Vehicle class to be abstract, we can throw an error if
( === 'Vehicle')
is true. However, you've to keep in mind that if you use this in production and build your project with bundlers, the names of your classes may be prefixed, causing the condition to always be false.
Comparison with Constructor functions
Before there were classes, constructor functions and prototypes were the default. I won't go too deep in this section, but i wanted to show you how we could achieve pretty much the same with constructor functions and prototypes since ES6 classes use prototypes behind the hood.
Properties and methods
Let's start by setting some properties and methods:
function Point(x, y) {
this.x = x;
this.y = y;
this.translate = function(a, b) {
this.x += a;
this.y += b;
const point = new Point(4, 5);
point.translate(2, 2);
point.x; // 6
point.y; // 7
Getters and Setters
To implement setters and getters we have to use Object.defineProperty
or Object.defineProperties
function Point(x, y) {
this.x = x;
this.y = y;
Object.defineProperty(this, 'position', {
set: function([x, y]) {
[this.x, this.y] = [x, y];
get: function() {
return [this.x, this.y];
const point = new Point();
point.position = [4, 5];
point.position; // [4, 5]
Basically, I used Object.defineProperty
to set/change the property descriptor of the position
property. To learn more about property descriptors, you can check this article:

A deep dive into Javascript Object properties
Mustapha Aouas ・ Oct 18 '21
Prototypal inheritance
Here's an example of prototypal inheritance:
function Vehicle(numberOfPassengers) {
this.numberOfPassengers = numberOfPassengers;
this.getNumberOfPassengers = function() {
return this.numberOfPassengers;
function Car() {, 5); // The same way we used super for classes, here we call the Vehicle constructor in this context (Car context)
Car.prototype = Object.create(Vehicle.prototype); // Setting up the inheritance
Car.prototype.constructor = Car; // As a side effect of the line above, we loose the Car constructor. So we have to set it back
const car = new Car();
car.getNumberOfPassengers(); // 5
I won't go into much details here as there's a lot to talk about. But this is the minimal setup to do prototypal inheritance.
You may agree with me or not, but I find it a lot less straight forward and less descriptive than the class implementation.
Wrap up
We covered a lot already. We saw all of the tools we can use to create classes that are tailored to our needs, we discussed how to create objects using classes and we talked about some caveats to be aware of. Finally we saw how difficult it can be to use constructor functions compared to using classes.
That's it for this post. I hope you liked it. If you did, please share it with your friends and colleagues. Also you can follow me on twitter at @theAngularGuy as it would greatly help me.
Have a good day !
Top comments (10)
Hi @lukeshiru ,
Well because it all comes down to the paradigm you want to employ in your system. Object oriented or functional (as in your example).
Both have advantages and disadvantages. There's not one better than the other and immutability or code reuse should never be a deciding factor because you can achieve both with either.
I never mentioned paradigms when I said "You may agree with me or not, but I find it a lot less straight forward and less descriptive than the class implementation". I was talking about the two ways of setting inheritance :)
But, if you want my opinion on the subject, I believe that discarding a paradigm simply to avoid some "complexities" of the language should be a warning flag to back up and rethink the whole approach (for example
has noting to do with classes in the way it works).Thanks for the feedback and have a nice day!
In most cases the why decides whether how is even relevant.
The most compelling motivation for class inheritance in JavaScript is to build on platform specific capabilities like using custom elements that require class-based inheritance — to the point that prototypal inheritance, combination inheritance, parasitic inheritance or parasitic combination inheritance aren't enough and one has resort to using Reflect.construct() to create a class instance in ES5.1 (June 2011).
That said:
Gamma, Erich et al. "Design Patterns Elements of Reusable Object-Oriented Software"". Putting Reuse Mechanisms to Work, p.20, 1994.
There are also other ways of exploiting and managing commonality/variability — for example TypeScript supports discriminated unions.
In terms of vanilla JavaScript this simply boils down to:
Of course by this point the "guard rails" (exhaustiveness checking) are off.
Have a nice day!
Hi Peerreynders,
Thanks for your feedback and for sharing these resources. I'll definitely add the "Design Patterns Elements of Reusable Object-Oriented Software" book to my reading list !
Have a great day.
Look, don't get me wrong, it's a good book but from a contemporary view point you have to deal with ancient C++ code and pre-UML diagrams.
If you want the read the treatment on inheritance, the free preview on Google Play should be enough.
In terms of Design Patterns 10 years later Head First Design Patterns was published and lots of people found it to be more accessible as it explained everything in terms of object-oriented design principles (of which "Favour composition over inheritance" is one). Not sure what's in vogue these days.
The problem with Design Patterns are The 4 Stages of Learning Design Patterns: Ignorance, Awakening, Overzealous Application, Mastery
When it comes to SOLID — even that's just a milestone on the journey: The SOLID Design Principles Deconstructed.
In the end objects are not the only form of data abstraction (On Understanding Data Abstraction, Revisited).
MDN: JavaScript
MDN: Classes
Most mainstream OO is class-based object-oriented programming; in JavaScript objects can be created in the absence of a class — opening up avenues to alternate solution approaches — not too surprising given that Brendan Eich was recruited to Netscape with the promise of "doing Scheme" in the browser.
So with JavaScript, classes are only part of the story (Eloquent JavaScript doesn't introduce them until Chapter 6).
I talked about the paradigms because the two snippets in your comment were in two different paradigms.
There are so many points to rectify in what you said in my opinion, but they are outside the scope of this post (this post tries to answer the how, not the why not the pros not the cons).
But if I may, all of the questions you asked you can find valid answers to. Maybe take some time to research Immutability in OOP (with classes) as you seem to have some big misconceptions.
If we agree on that then I will leave it there.
Have a nice day!
Have you some tips (or best practice) to remediate the absence of interfaces? This is one of the reasons i stay away from plain js and adopt ts.
Hi Alessandro,
That's a great question. Of course in JS there's no such thing as an Interface, but the entire idea of the interface segregation principle (from the 4th design principle in SOLID) is about segregating interfaces and making them smaller. This principle is applicable in JS even if there's no interfaces.
We can use class inheritance + prototypal composition. Here is an example:
So the Car extends the Vehicle class, then we take the prototype of that Car class (which is basically the definition of that class) and we are adding in the functionality of
.I don't know if it's a best practice, but that's how i would remediate the absence of interfaces. That being said, I know that this is quite different from how we usually use interfaces, and typescript can make that very straight forward and easy.
Thank you for the reply and the code, i asked because more or less all patterns are based on the interface priciple and is hard to use something that imitate the funcionality without a explicit support. Maybe can be a topic for a new awesome post like this one
Oh, I spent like 5 minutes to decipher what's going on in the 'updatePoint' function. Maybe it's just me, but I found this very hard to read.
I wish I could write like that without the performance impact.
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