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How to deal with impostor syndrome?

Lately, as I have been trying to assess my skills and experience I notice my impostor syndrome begin to slowly take over. I begin to feel as though I really do not know as much as I should or that what I do know isn't enough. My anxiety begins to increase and these thoughts of self doubt overcome me. How can I convince myself that I am good at what I do and learn to gain more self confidence?

What has or hasn't worked for you when dealing with your impostor syndrome?

Top comments (3)

s_aitchison profile image
Suzanne Aitchison

For me, writing here on Dev! The process of sitting down and organising my thoughts on a topic, or creating a short tutorial helps underline for me what I've been learning and how far I've come πŸ™‚ And if it ends up helping someone else along the way - even better!

ferricoxide profile image
Thomas H Jones II

Humans are irrational beings: you're always going to have irrational perceptions. The best you can hope for is to train yourself to say, "wait a minute: am I being objective, here," and then act accordingly ...But you're unlikely to ever not have those nagging moments of panic.

vonheikemen profile image

I celebrate every victory no matter how small they seem. Also find ways to remember what i'm capable of doing, like creating silly stuff and put them on codepen or stackblitz. Until this day I still think the coolest things i've done are a TodoMVC app and a tiny utility that shows desktop notifications (i still use this one).