Hey everyone! Welcome to the first in a series of news segments we'll be streaming (and then recapping) every week on Twitch.
Here's the VOD for the stream (feel free to watch while it's still available), followed by a summary of what we chatted about.
๐ Follow โ @NinjaBunny9000 on Twitch
๐ด Watch โ Twitch VOD (replay)
๐ข TwitchCon Recap
- The con was A-MAZING!
- Highest colored-hair to natural hair-color ratio I've ever witnessed (even more than raves!)
- The Live Coders dinner was RAD!
- We got our Team Jerseys, backpack, buttons, & a sweet charger
- Big thanks to Content Lab for sponsoring and supporting our team!
- Team Jerseys are finally available for public sale! Customize your own Live Coders jersey!
- The TwitchDev Mixer was DOPE!
- Met so many other amazing contributers and Live Coders
- Got moooooore swag
- Played dearts w/@_clarkio
- Got lots of swag (including a silent shaker bottle!)
- Lots of potential partnership opportunities, will share more soon!
- Learned what was causing the audio glitches during IRL streams!
- Special shoutout/thanks to UnlimitedIRL for helping troubleshoot & providing a great service and hardware for us IRL streamer nerds.
๐ข Weekly Schedule Improvements!
- Schedule going out every Monday (~9am PDT) on Twitter
- Will be pinned for ez reference
- Schedule adjustments will be posted in the tweet thread
- Next stream's info will be posted in stream descriptions after every stream like this:
๐ข Defining Stream Format a Little Better
- Discovering and honing in the stream "brand" (I know, I hate that word too...) has gotten a little easier but it still hasn't been very consistent or explicit.
- We have more of a foothold now on the content direction, and I'm enjoying streaming it a ton. It's time to make it a little more official and explicitly defined.
Introducing some... "Segments"?
This is going to be the general format of things, altho it may change week to week, depending on my work/travel schedule.. But that'll all be a part of what gets posted every Monday on Twitter (the official weekly schedule).
Mondays โ Channel News & Chat
Tuesdays/Thursdays โ Code & C H I L L
Saturdays โ Code & G A M E S (or music)
๐ข Creating a Community Pledge
We talked about the idea of creating a community pledge or oath. Some sort of mechanism for positive-reinforcement to enable the community to BE EXCELLENT
and avoid toxicity.
The main goal of this is to create a skeleton for other communities to modify and use. I want to avoid having a set of "rules", and for it to all be voluntary.
Not sure of the best name for it.. Maybe Community Tenets
๐ข Next TwitchCon
- Try and raise money to send a couple of the mods to TwitchCon
What's next for the stream?
- Get raids working again! This was the #1 commented on content from other streamers and community members. They really miss it (and I do too!).
๐ข Dev.to Content
- Will be writing news, tutorial, op-ed content on dev.to from now on!
๐ข YouTube Channel Launch
- First series planned, details will be announced soon!
- Will coincide with Dev.to writeups
- Major focuses of the channel will be...
- Streaming tips & tech tutorials
- Python & programming tutorials
- How to get started live coding
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