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[Challenge] 🐝 FizzBuzz without if/else

Keff on July 17, 2020

This challenge is intended for Javascript, but you can complete it with any language you like and can. Most of us will know the FizzBuzz game...
stephanie profile image
Stephanie Handsteiner β€’ β€’ Edited

Easy, just do it in CSS.

ol {
    list-style-type: inside;

li:nth-child(3n), li:nth-child(5n) {
    list-style-type: none;

li:nth-child(3n):before {
    content: 'Fizz';

li:nth-child(5n):after {
    content: 'Buzz';
Enter fullscreen mode Exit fullscreen mode

Needs some Markup to display obviously.

ben profile image
Ben Halpern β€’


nombrekeff profile image
Keff β€’

Magnificent! I knew there were going to be really neat solutions!!

Thanks for sharing your solution πŸ’ͺ

rushsteve1 profile image
Steven vanZyl β€’

The cleanest and best FizzBuzz implementation I know of doesn't use any if statements at all. Actually it doesn't use any control flow at all in most languages.
The approach is fully described here:

On my I also have this same approach implemented in several other languages:

coreyja profile image
Corey Alexander β€’

This was great! Love it when there is a simple probable mathematic solution to these kinds of things!

nombrekeff profile image
Keff β€’

Me too, so clean! I love maths but I'm crap at it myself xD

nombrekeff profile image
Keff β€’

I did not know about this, thanks for sharing. I will remember this!

agtoever profile image
agtoever β€’ β€’ Edited

Holy sh*t, my other solution was really ugly! :-o
Here is a (much) better one (also in Python3):

def fizzbuzz(n):
    for i in range(1, n + 1):
        print([f'{i}', f'Fizz', f'Buzz', f'FizzBuzz'][(i % 3 == 0) + 2 * (i % 5 == 0)])


This works using the property that True in Python has numerical value 1 and using f-strings in an array. The proper element in the array is chosen based on the mentioned property, checking for divisibility with 3 and 5.

nastyox1 profile image
nastyox β€’ β€’ Edited

logical operators

The second half of an "and" statement only evaluates if the first half is true.

for(var i = 1; i < 100; i++){
    !(i % 3) && document.write("fizz");
    !(i % 5) && document.write("buzz");
    i % 3 && i % 5 && document.write(i);
    document.write(" ");


for loops

For loops check your second declaration on each iteration. Force it to be false on the second iteration, and you've got something that'll check your condition a single time.

for(var i = 1; i < 100; i++){
    for(var j = 0; !j && !(i % 3); j++) document.write("fizz");
    for(var j = 0; !j && !(i % 5); j++) document.write("buzz");
    for(var j = 0; !j && i % 3 && i % 5; j++) document.write(i);
    document.write(" ");



Referencing an index that that exists gives you the value stored there, but referencing an index that doesn't exist gives you undefined. Use an "or" statement to give yourself a fallback value when this happens, and you'll be ready to go.

var fizz = ["fizz"], buzz = ["buzz"];
for(var i = 1; i < 100; i++) document.write((((fizz[i % 3] || "") + (buzz[i % 5] || "")) || i) + " ");

Or, fill an array with your options, and leverage the fact that true can be used as 1 in JavaScript to do some index-selection math.

var arr = [null, "fizz", "buzz", "fizzbuzz"];
for(var i = 1; i < 100; i++){
    arr[0] = i;
    document.write(arr[!(i % 3) + !(i % 5) * 2] + " ");


try/catch blocks

You can purposefully throw exceptions when a boolean is false by referencing a variable that doesn't exist (the "throwException" variable in this case).

function tryIf(test, pass, fail){
        !test || throwException;
        (fail || function(){})();

for(var i = 1; i < 100; i++){
    tryIf(!(i % 3), function(){

    tryIf(!(i % 5), function(){

    tryIf(i % 3 && i % 5, function(){

    document.write(" ");


while loops

This is the same concept as for loops. Force the loop to stop after one iteration (this time with a break), and you've got something that'll check your condition a single time.

for(var i = 1; i < 100; i++){
    while(!(i % 3)){

    while(!(i % 5)){

    while(i % 3 && i % 5){

    document.write(" ");


switch statements

Who could forget the classic alternative to if statements? Technically not even cheating!

for(var i = 1; i < 100; i++){
    switch(i % 3){
        case 0:

    switch(i % 5){
        case 0:

    switch(!(i % 3 && i % 5)){
        case false:

    document.write(" ");
nombrekeff profile image
Keff β€’

Wow, those are some solutions right there! Thanks a lot for sharing and taking the time to explain it.

I did some silly stuff, just for fun lol:

function fizzBuzz(number = 100) {
    let current = 1;
    let string = '';

    while (current <= number) {
        string += current + ' ';
        current += 1;

    string = string.trim()
        .replace(/[0-9]+/g, (match) => {
            const valueMap = ['FizzBuzz', match];
            const index = match % 15;
            return valueMap[index] || match;
        .replace(/[0-9]+/g, (match) => {
            const valueMap = ['Fizz', match];
            const index = match % 3;
            return valueMap[index] || match;
        .replace(/[0-9]+/g, (match) => {
            const valueMap = ['Buzz', match];
            const index = match % 5;
            return valueMap[index] || match;

    return string.split(' ');
rad_val_ profile image
Valentin Radu β€’

Here's the simplest I can think of without any statements. πŸ™ƒ

function run(n, i=1, j=1, k=1, acc=[]) {
  !j && k && acc.push('fizz')
  !k && j && acc.push('buzz')
  !k && !j && acc.push('fizzbuzz')
  k && j && acc.push(i)

    n - 1 && run(n - 1, i + 1, (j + 1) % 3, (k + 1) % 5, acc)
  return acc

nombrekeff profile image
Keff β€’

Nice, recursion for the win πŸ’ͺ

nombrekeff profile image
Keff β€’

Thanks for sharing!

vonheikemen profile image
Heiker β€’ β€’ Edited

You can still have flow control with functions.

const troo = (iff, elz) => iff;
const falz = (iff, elz) => elz;
const choose = (value) => [falz, troo][Number(Boolean(value))];

const is_fizz = (n) => choose(n % 3 === 0);
const is_buzz = (n) => choose(n % 5 === 0);

const fizzbuzz = (n) =>
  is_fizz(n) (
    () => is_buzz (n) ("FizzBuzz", "Fizz"),
    () => is_buzz (n) ("Buzz", n),

const range = (end) =>
  new Array(end).fill(null).map((val, index) => index + 1);

range(15).map(fizzbuzz).join(", ");
nombrekeff profile image
Keff β€’

I liked this approach! Thanks for sharing!

ehsan profile image
Ehsan Azizi β€’ β€’ Edited

Here is an ugly solution in one line

for (let i = 1; i <= number; i++) {
  console.log((i % 3 === 0 && i % 5 === 0 && 'fizzbuzz') || (i % 3 === 0 && 'fizz') || (i % 5 === 0 && 'buzz') || i);
shravan20 profile image
Shravan Kumar B β€’

U aren't supposed to use Ternary Operator.

ehsan profile image
Ehsan Azizi β€’ β€’ Edited

Oh yeah! didn't notice that, I have updated my solution

mintypt profile image
mintyPT β€’

Here is some python for you :)

  (not (i % 3) and not (i % 5) and "FizzBuzz") or
  (not (i % 3) and "Fizz") or
  (not (i % 5) and "Buzz") or
  for i in range(1,16)])
jpantunes profile image
JP Antunes β€’

There was a similar and equally really good thread about a month ago that had some devilishly clever solutions... highly recommend it!

My contributions below:

const fizzBuzz = n => {
    const mapper = (arr, modulo, txt) => arr
                                    .filter(e => e % modulo == 0)
                                    .forEach(e => arr[arr.indexOf(e)] = txt);
    let x = 1;
    const range = [...Array(n)].map(_ => x++)
    mapper(range, 15, 'FizzBuzz');
    mapper(range, 5, 'Buzz');
    mapper(range, 3, 'Fizz');
    return range.toString();

const fizzBuzz = n => {
    let x = 1;
    const range = [...Array(n)].map(_ => x++);
    for (let i = 2; i <= n; i += 3) range[i] = 'Fizz';
    for (let i = 4; i <= n; i += 5) range[i] = 'Buzz';
    for (let i = 14; i <= n; i += 15) range[i] = 'FizzBuzz';
    return range.toString();

const fizzBuzz = n => {
    const isFizzBuzz = n => ( {false: '', true: 'Fizz'}[n % 3 == 0] 
                            + {false: '', true: 'Buzz'}[n % 5 == 0] 
                            || n.toString() );
    let x = 1;
    return [...Array(n)].map(_ => isFizzBuzz(x++)).toString();                             

//4 ...originally from a Kevlin Henney presentation here:
const fizzBuzz = n => {
  const test = (d, s, x) => n % d == 0 ? _ => s + x('') : x;
  const fizz = x => test(3, 'Fizz', x);
  const buzz = x => test(5, 'Buzz', x);
  return fizz(buzz(x => x))(n.toString());
nombrekeff profile image
Keff β€’

Nice stuff. I will be checking out the thread!

There have been some really clever solutions posted here as well.

shravan20 profile image
Shravan Kumar B β€’ β€’ Edited
function fizzBuzz(n){
   let arr = [ ];
   for(i=1 ; i<=n; i++){
      let flag = i%15==0 && arr.push('FizzBuzz') || i%5==0 && arr.push('Buzz') || i%3==0 && arr.push('Fizz');
      !flag && arr.push(i);

 return arr;


Manolo Edge

martinsebastian profile image
Martin Sebastian β€’ β€’ Edited
const fizzBuzz = (until) => {
      const fizz = ["Fizz", "", ""];
      const buzz = ["Buzz", "", "", "", ""];

      (function fizzybuzzy(current) {
         console.log(fizz[current % 3] + buzz[current % 5]  || current);

         return (current + 1 <= until) && fizzybuzzy(current + 1);

martinsebastian profile image
Martin Sebastian β€’ β€’ Edited

Some improvement to my earlier version.

A) better (arguably, because way more cognitive load than the very simple one above)

const fizzBuzz = (until, current = 0, fizzbuzz = ["", "Fizz", "Buzz"]) => {
    const fizzybuzzy = () => fizzbuzz[!(current % 3) * 1] + fizzbuzz[!(current % 5) * 2]  || current;
    return (current + 1 <= until) && (console.log(fizzybuzzy()), fizzBuzz(until, current + 1));


B) above one as 1 liner b/c hello perl

const devBuzz = (function i(u, c= 0, m=["", "dev", ".to"])  {(c+1<=u) && (console.log(m[!(c % 3)*1] + m[!(c%5)*2] || c), i(u,c+1));});

martinsebastian profile image
Martin Sebastian β€’

Also thinking about overriding Number.prototype.toString makes a fun thingy. Maybe someone already did, but someone for sure should :D

jselbie profile image

My javascript solution, modeled after my C++ solution and then reduced

function fizzbuzz(N) {
    for (let i = 1; i <= N; i++) {
         let fb = ["", "Fizz", "Buzz", i.toString()];
         console.log(fb[(!(i % 3) + 0)]+fb[((!(i % 5)) * 2)]+fb[(((i%3!=0) && (i%5!=0))+0) * 3]);
martis347 profile image
Martynas Kan β€’

Really nice idea!

Here's how I did it 😁

const fizzBuzz = (number) => {
    const array = Array(number).fill(undefined).map((_, index) => index + 1);
    const fiz = array.filter(v => !(v % 3))
    const baz = array.filter(v => !(v % 5))
    const fizBaz = array.filter(v => !(v % 5) && !(v % 3))

    let result = {};
    for (let i of array) {
        result[i] = i;
    for (let f of fiz) {
        result[f] = 'Fizz';
    for (let b of baz) {
        result[b] = 'Buzz';
    for (let fb of fizBaz) {
        result[fb] = 'FizzBuzz';

    return Object.values(result);
nombrekeff profile image
Keff β€’

Glad you liked it!

I just published a new challenge if you want another one :)

benwtrent profile image
Benjamin Trent β€’ β€’ Edited

Clojure example.

I quite like Andrew's bit shift array example. Only think that its better to have a nil zeroth value so you get circuit breaking for free.

;; Array for grabbing appropriate string, if exists
(def fizzes [nil "Fizz" "Buzz" "FizzBuzz"])

;; boolean to integer conversion
(defn b-to-i [b]
  (bit-and 1 (bit-shift-right (Boolean/hashCode b) 1)))

(defn fizzit [n]
  (let [fizzed (b-to-i (= 0 (mod n 3)))                     ;1 if true
        buzzed (bit-shift-left (b-to-i (= 0 (mod n 5))) 1)  ;2 if true
        both (+ fizzed buzzed)]                             ;3 if both are true
    (or (get fizzes both) (str n)))

(defn fizzbuzz [n]
  (map fizzit (range 1 (inc n)))) link

wdhowe profile image
wdhowe β€’

One of the ways in Clojure:

(defn divisible?
  "Determine if a number is divisible by the divisor with no remainders."
  [div num]
  (zero? (mod num div)))

(defn fizz-buzz
  "Fizz if divisible by 3, Buzz if divisible by 5, FizzBuzz if div by both, n if neither."
  (cond-> nil ; threaded value starts with nil (falsey)
    (divisible? 3 n) (str "Fizz") ; if true, adds Fizz to the threaded value (nil)
    (divisible? 5 n) (str "Buzz") ; if true, adds Buzz to the threaded value (nil or Fizz)
    :always-true     (or n))) ; return the threaded value if not nil (Fizz/Buzz) or n

(let [start 1
      stop 20]
  (println "FizzBuzz:" start "-" stop)
  (doseq [x (range start (+ 1 stop))] (println (fizz-buzz x))))

Original idea seen here:

thorstenhirsch profile image
Thorsten Hirsch β€’

Here's a solution I like very much, because it uses function composition:

// helpers
const range = (m, n) => Array.from(Array(n - m + 1).keys()).map(n => n + m);
const compose = (fn1, ...fns) => fns.reduce((prevFn, nextFn) => value => prevFn(nextFn(value)), fn1);
const isDivisibleBy = divider => replacer => value => value % divider === 0 ? replacer : value;

// fizzbuzz definition
const fizz = isDivisibleBy(3)("Fizz");
const buzz = isDivisibleBy(5)("Buzz");
const fizzBuzz = isDivisibleBy(15)("FizzBuzz");

// this is what I like most about this implementation
const magic = compose(fizz, buzz, fizzBuzz);

console.log(range(1, 100).map(magic));

It's heavily inspired by tokdaniel's gist.

codemouse92 profile image
Jason C. McDonald β€’ β€’ Edited

Ironically, I have a Python-based solution for this as an example in my upcoming EuroPython 2020 presentation!

def fizz_buzz(max):
    return [
        "fizz" * (not n % 3) +
        "buzz" * (not n % 5)
        or str(n)
        for n in range(max + 1)

I picked up the * trick on a StackOverflow answer about this a while back, but I adapted it.

jselbie profile image

Trick is to map the modulo results into a true/false value. Then use that as a 0 or 1 index into an array of two strings.


void fizzbuzz(int N)
    const string fizzstrings[2] = { "Fizz", "" };
    const string buzzstrings[2] = { "Buzz", "" };

    for (int i = 1; i <= N; i++)
        int fizz = !!(i % 3);   // 0 if i is divisible by 3, 1 otherwise
        int buzz = !!(i % 5);   // 0 if i is divisible by 5, 1 otherwise
        int use_number = fizz && buzz;    // 1 if is neither divisible by 3 or 5, 0 otherwise
        string table[2] = { "", to_string(i) };
        cout << fizzstrings[fizz] << buzzstrings[buzz] << table[use_number] << endl;

And the above can be further reduced to a single array table by exploiting multiplication against a bool expression

void fizzbuzz(int N)
    for (int i = 1; i <= N; i++)
        const string fb[4] = { "", "Fizz", "Buzz", to_string(i) };
        int fizz = !(i % 3);                   // 0 or 1
        int buzz = (!(i % 5)) * 2;             // 0 or 2
        int numIndex = (!fizz && !buzz) * 3;   // 0 or 3
        cout << fb[fizz] << fb[buzz] << fb[numIndex] << endl;
believer profile image
Rickard Natt och Dag β€’

Here's an example in ReasonML

Runnable example:

module FizzBuzz = {
  let make = value =>
    switch (value) {
    | (0, 0, _) => "FizzBuzz"
    | (0, _, _) => "Fizz"
    | (_, 0, _) => "Buzz"
    | (_, _, value) => string_of_int(value);

for (index in 1 to 100) {
  print_endline(FizzBuzz.make((index mod 3, index mod 5, index)));
paul_the_agile profile image
Paul the Agile β€’

Here's my initial cut at a Python solution:

n = 15
a = ['{}', '{}', 'Fizz', '{}', 'Buzz', 'Fizz', '{}', '{}', 'Fizz', 'Buzz', '{}', 'Fizz', '{}', '{}', 'Fizz Buzz']
for i in range(n):
    print(a[i % 15].format(i+1))

This just cycles through the array and prints the appropriate response, though I've already seen more clever ways to do it.

russsaidwords profile image
Russ Edwards β€’

Here's a solution to the challenge in JavaScript...

function fizzBuzz (n) {
    let i = 1
    let fbline = []
    let output = []
    let count = 0
    while (i <= n) {
        fbline = [i, i, i, "Fizz", i, "Buzz", "Fizz", i, i, "Fizz", "Buzz", i, "Fizz", i, i, "FizzBuzz"]
        output.push("" + fbline[(i+count) % 16])
        count = Math.floor(i / 16)

Here's a where you can run this.

jessesolomon profile image
Jesse Solomon β€’ β€’ Edited

Thanks for the fun challenge!

I'm not sure if JavaScript's type conversion is considered cheating, but I thought it was cool and wanted to share!

const n = 15;

let output = new Array(n).fill(null);

output =, index) => {
    let offsetIndex = index + 1;

    return (["", "Fizz"][!(offsetIndex % 3) + 0] + ["", "Buzz"][!(offsetIndex % 5) + 0]) || offsetIndex;

ogrotten profile image
ogrotten β€’ β€’ Edited

Hmm... As a bootcamp student, I'm trying to untangle this.

[!(offsetIndex % 3) + 0]
I see this checks the modulus, and inverts the result. Any non-zero int is truthy, and this expression makes it false . . . +0 to coerce the false to an int. That is enough that the entire thing evaluates falsy, which then results in outputting offsetIndex on the otherside of the or. I had to drop this in a node repl to follow it, but I eventually got it 😁

But what is the ["", "Fizz"][!(offsetIndex % 3) + 0] double-array looking thing there? I thought it was a 2d array at first, but that doesn't seem right for a number of reasons.

coreyja profile image
Corey Alexander β€’

I'm pretty sure the first pair of square brackets creates an array, and the second one indexes into that array. So I think they are array indexing into the first array with either 0 or 1 to pick the empty string or "Fizz" depending on the offsetIndex!

Hope that helps!

Thread Thread
nombrekeff profile image
Keff β€’

yup, it defines the array first const array = ["", "Fizz"] and then access the index array[!(offsetIndex % 3) + 0]. The expression will resolve either to true+0 -> 1 or false+0 -> 0

Thread Thread
ogrotten profile image
ogrotten β€’

holy shit. that's cool.

I THOUGHT it might have been something like that, but I was thinking about it wrongly . . . I wasn't thinking of it as the array followed by the index, I was thinking of it as a variable. So ["an", "array"] was the name of the array, and then it had it's own index. Not very practical.

But the actual use is quite cool and makes plenty sense.


ogrotten profile image
ogrotten β€’

why _value?

I understand that the 'convention' for _ is for private, but is there some other use for it here?

Or is it just habit πŸ˜‚

savagepixie profile image
SavagePixie β€’

It is also a convention for unused parameters.

nombrekeff profile image
Keff β€’

Thanks for sharing Jesse!! It's a really neat solution 🀘!
Also not cheating at all!

dimitrimarion profile image
Dimitri Marion β€’
const div3 = x => x % 3 == 0;
const div5 = x => x % 5 == 0;

const fizzBuzz = n => Array.from(Array(n+1).keys(), 
                                 x => div3(x) && div5(x) && "FizzBuzz" || div3(x) && "Fizz" || div5(x)  && "Buzz" || String(x))
agtoever profile image
agtoever β€’

A solution in Python. Feels silly though...

def fizzbuzz(n):
    offset = 0
    while n > 0:
        cycle = list(range(offset, 15 + offset))
        for i in range(3, 15, 3):
            cycle[i] = 'Fizz'
        for i in range(5, 15, 5):
            cycle[i] = 'Buzz'
        print('\n'.join(map(str, cycle[:min(15, n)])))
        offset += 15
        n -= 15

nombrekeff profile image
Keff β€’

Wait until you see mine πŸ˜‚

nacasha profile image
Izal Fathoni β€’

My approach is to take advantage of string replace 🀣️

const n = 15;

for (let i = 1; i <= n; i++) {
  const fizz = ['Fizz'][i % 3];
  const buzz = ['Buzz'][i % 5];

  const value = `${fizz}${buzz}`
    .replace('undefinedundefined', i)
    .replace('undefined', '');

nombrekeff profile image
Keff β€’


edkb profile image
Eduardo Binotto β€’ β€’ Edited

Yet another Python solution using dict and except instead of if / else. I think i'ts valid and quite readable :p

for i in range(1, 16):
     fizz_buzz = {
         3: 'Fizz',
         5: 'Buzz',
         15: 'FizzBuzz',
     for n in (15, 5, 3):
             i / (i % n)
rawkode profile image
David McKay β€’

There's a lack of pattern matching and recursion in the comments, so here we go:

defmodule FizzBuzz do
  def run(0) do

  def run(n) when is_integer(n) do
    |> fizzbuzz(rem(n, 3), rem(n, 5))
    |> run()

  defp fizzbuzz(n, 0, 0) do
    IO.puts("#{n}: FizzBuzz")

    n - 1

  defp fizzbuzz(n, 0, _) do
    IO.puts("#{n}: Fizz")
    n - 1

  defp fizzbuzz(n, _, 0) do
    IO.puts("#{n}: Buzz")
    n - 1

  defp fizzbuzz(n, _, _) do
    n - 1

nombrekeff profile image
Keff β€’

Nice, thanks for sharing this approach.

Rickard Laurin just posted another similar approach in ReasonML as well.

kubadlo profile image
Jakub LeΕ‘ko β€’

My solution in Rust:

fn main() {
    for n in 1..=15 {
        match n % 3 + n % 5 {
            0 => {
            _ => {}

        match n % 5 {
            0 => {
            _ => {}

        match n % 3 {
            0 => {
            _ => {}

        println!("{}", n);
evelynsubarrow profile image
Evelyn β€’

py3, oneliner because ofc

fizzbuzz = lambda x: "Fizz"*(x and not x%3)+"Buzz"*(x and not x%5) or str(x)
print([fizzbuzz(n) for n in range(16)])
jselbie profile image
John Selbie β€’

If it were up to me, I'd declare this the winner.

ilias2026 profile image
Ilias2026 β€’ β€’ Edited

working with arrays (indexes), no for loop because it's conditional too,
if fizz it will give index 1, if buzz 2, if fizz and buzz 1 + 2 => 3 FizzBuzz (Anything else will give 0 and go to real number cause we put words[0] = num)
that's it :)

faycelbouamoud profile image
faycelbouamoud β€’

Very stupid solution ! but this is the first thing that comes to my mind !

const N = 15;
const arr = new Array(15).fill(null).map((el, index) => index + 1);

function forStep(arr, init, step, word) {
  const arrCopy = [...arr];
  for (let i = init - 1; i < N; i = i + step) {
    arrCopy[i] = word;

  return arrCopy

function fizzbuzz() {
  const arrCop = forStep(forStep(forStep(arr, 3, 3, "fizz"), 5, 5, "buzz"), 15, 15, "fizzbuzz");

nmampersand profile image
Nicole & (she/her) β€’

fun challenge! this is the simplest thing I can think of at the moment

const fizzBuzz = (num) => {
    return [...Array(num+1).keys()].slice(1).map(n => {
        const fizzBuzz = n % 3 === 0 && n % 5 === 0 && 'FizzBuzz'
        const fizz = n % 3 === 0 && 'Fizz'
        const buzz = n % 5 === 0 && 'Buzz'
        return fizzBuzz || fizz || buzz || n.toString()

nombrekeff profile image
Keff β€’

Here is my solution, I came up with a couple of solutions, but I will share this one as nobody has posted it. It's not the best approach, though. It's quite silly:

function fizzBuzz(number = 100) {
    let current = 1;
    let string = '';

    while (current <= number) {
        string += current + ' ';
        current += 1;

    string = string.trim()
        .replace(/[0-9]+/g, (match) => {
            const valueMap = ['FizzBuzz', match];
            const index = match % 15;
            return valueMap[index] || match;
        .replace(/[0-9]+/g, (match) => {
            const valueMap = ['Fizz', match];
            const index = match % 3;
            return valueMap[index] || match;
        .replace(/[0-9]+/g, (match) => {
            const valueMap = ['Buzz', match];
            const index = match % 5;
            return valueMap[index] || match;

    return string.split(' ');
nombrekeff profile image
Keff β€’

Neat solution, thanks for sharing it!

Is there a reason you use instead of calling the function directly t()?

nombrekeff profile image
Keff β€’

Cool solution! I thought to do something similar at first, but ended up doing some weird stuff!

speratus profile image
Andrew Luchuk β€’

Thanks for the fun challenge! My solution uses bitwise operators and objects to get the answer:

function fizzbuzz(n) {
    for (let i = 1; i < n+1; i++) {
        outputs = {
            [i]: i,
            [i+1]: 'fizz',
            [i+2]: 'buzz',
            [i+3]: 'fizzbuzz'
        let fizz = +(i % 3 == 0);
        let buzz = +(i % 5 == 0);
        buzz <<= 1;
        let fizzbuzz = fizz ^ buzz;
nombrekeff profile image
Keff β€’


neohed profile image
Dave β€’ β€’ Edited
const fb = n => [...Array(n).keys()].map(n => n+1).map(n =>
    (n % 5 === 0 && n % 3 === 0) && 'FizzBuzz'
     || (n % 5 === 0) && 'Buzz'
     || (n % 3 === 0) && 'Fizz'
     || n
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neohed profile image
Dave β€’ β€’ Edited

An alternative using recursion instead of native methods.

const fb = n =>
    n && (
        fb(n - 1)
        + (
                (!(n % 3 && n % 5) && 'FizzBuzz')
                || (!(n % 3) && 'Fizz')
                || (!(n % 5) && 'Buzz')
                || n
        ) + ' '

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tanguyandreani profile image
Tanguy Andreani β€’

I did that in scheme r5rs:

#lang r5rs

(define (fizzbuzz n acc)
  (define (compute n)
    (let* ((fizz (and (zero? (modulo n 3))
           (buzz (and (zero? (modulo n 5))
           (both (and fizz
      (or both fizz buzz n)))
  (or (and (zero? n) acc)
      (fizzbuzz (- n 1)
                (cons (compute n)

(display (fizzbuzz 15 '()))
; => (1 2 fizz 4 buzz fizz 7 8 fizz buzz 11 fizz 13 14 fizzbuzz)
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As promised, no ifs.

nombrekeff profile image
Keff β€’ β€’ Edited

Thanks for sharing Tanguy!

Cool stuff! Haven't heard about r5rs, looks complicated, but cool :P

tanguyandreani profile image
Tanguy Andreani β€’ β€’ Edited

Oh it isn’t that hard, it might seem complicated because of all the parenthesis and strange keywords like cons, but it’s actually just a matter of getting used to it. It’s a fun language to learn recursion for example.

It becomes a lot simpler when you learn the patterns for building recursive functions, at one point, you don’t even look at the whole function because you just think of the parts.

I started by making a function that looks like that:

#lang r5rs

(define (fizzbuzz n acc)
  (define (compute n)
  (if (zero? n)
      (fizzbuzz (- n 1)
                (cons (compute n)

(display (fizzbuzz 15 '()))
; => (1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15)

This function just returns the list of numbers from 1 to 15, that's what it does because the compute function just returns whatever is n. Then I simply filled compute with my conditions.

  • define is used to define variables and functions,
  • cons is used to build a list from a head and a queue (that's not hard to understand but it definetely requires some practice and research,
  • let* allows to define local variables
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nombrekeff profile image
Keff β€’ β€’ Edited

What a legend! I wasn't expecting an explanation, but it's highly appreciated!

Looks interesting, and after your explanation, it does not look as complicated, I might give it a try somedayπŸ’ͺ

And yeah, most languages seem a bit overwhelming at first.

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tanguyandreani profile image
Tanguy Andreani β€’

Thanks! Feel free to ping me for help if you try to get into it and feel stuck.

Thread Thread
nombrekeff profile image
Keff β€’

Thank you! I will if I get into it :)

javiersilva profile image
Javier Silva Ortiz β€’

I don't know this language, but the (and (zero? ... sounds like ternaries to me :)

tanguyandreani profile image
Tanguy Andreani β€’ β€’ Edited

It’s not a ternary, it’s just like doing && in other languages. Now you can emulate a ternary with it, I think that was the goal of the challenge. No ifs and no ternary.

jdaless profile image
John D'Alessandro β€’

I do feel like this was kinda cheap...

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;

public class Program
  public static void Main()
    foreach(var s in FizzBuzz().Take(15))

  public static IEnumerable<string> FizzBuzz()
    for(int i = 1; true; i++)
      for(;i%3!=0 && i%5!=0;)
        yield return i.ToString();
          yield return "FizzBuzz";
        yield return "Fizz";
        yield return "Buzz";
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nocnica profile image
Nočnica Mellifera β€’

I like it!

nombrekeff profile image
Keff β€’

Nice stuff! Cool use of a generator. And yeah kinda cheap but cool nonetheless, thanks for sharing!

darthbob88 profile image
Raymond Price β€’

First obvious solution is to use nested ternaries to get around the if/else restriction, but the rules also frown on ternaries.

Second option is switch/case on ii % 15, like

for (var ii = 1; ii <= 100; ii++) {
    switch (ii % 15) {
        case 0: console.log("Fizzbuzz"); break;
        case 1: console.log(ii); break;
        case 2: console.log(ii); break;
        case 3: console.log("Fizz"); break;
        case 4: console.log(ii); break;
        case 5: console.log("Buzz"); break;
        case 6: console.log("Fizz"); break;
        case 7: console.log(ii); break;
        case 8: console.log(ii); break;
        case 9: console.log("Fizz"); break;
        case 10: console.log("Buzz"); break;
        case 11: console.log(ii); break;
        case 12: console.log("Fizz"); break;
        case 13: console.log(ii); break;
        case 14: console.log(ii); break;
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I believe you can also do this with an array, console.log(options[ii%15]), but I don't care enough to test that would actually work for JS.

Another option I've seen and liked is seeding the RNG with the correct value and using the outputs from that to index an array of options to print, something like srand(MAGIC); for (var ii = 1; ii <= 100; ii++) print ["Fizz", "Buzz", "Fizzbuzz", ii][ % 4]; } But that definitely doesn't work in JS, since you can't seed the RNG.

imjoseangel profile image
Jose Angel Munoz β€’

Here you have in Python

#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

from __future__ import (division, absolute_import, print_function,

class FizzBuzz:
    def __init__(self):
        self.fizzbuzz = dict()

        for num in range(3, 101, 3):
            self.fizzbuzz[num] = "Fizz"

        for num in range(5, 101, 5):
            self.fizzbuzz[num] = "Buzz"

        for num in range(15, 101, 15):
            self.fizzbuzz[num] = "FizzBuzz"

    def run(self):

        for number in range(1, 101):
            print(self.fizzbuzz.get(number, number))

def main():


if __name__ == '__main__':
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nombrekeff profile image
Keff β€’

Pretty interesting cheers! I recall using it on the CLI at some point, but without actually knowing it was a language!

issammani profile image
Issam Mani β€’ β€’ Edited

A bit late to the party but here is my take. I'm basically substituting cond ? valueWhenTrue : valueWhenFalse for a logical equivalent (cond && valueWhenTrue) || valueWhenFalse + calling the function recursively.
Note: array returned is in reverse order ! But we can easily solve that with .reverse()

const fizzBuzz = (num,acc = []) => {
        (num % 15 === 0 && 'FizzBuzz' ||
          (num % 3 === 0 && 'Fizz' || 
            (num % 5 === 0 && 'Buzz' || 
    return (num === 1 && acc) || fizzBuzz(num - 1,acc);

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scgrk profile image
Stephen Gerkin β€’

Came up with 2 in Kotlin. Both could definitely be improved, but this was a fun exercise in thinking about control flow!

fun main() {
    for (i in 1..20) {
    for (i in 1..20) {

// Technically no if or ternary!
fun fizzBuzz(num: Int) = when {
        num % 15 == 0 -> "FizzBuzz"
        num % 3  == 0-> "Fizz"
        num % 5  == 0-> "Buzz"
        else -> num.toString()

fun fizzBuzz2(num: Int): String {
    val isFizz = num % 3 == 0
    val isBuzz = num % 5 == 0

    while (isFizz && isBuzz) return "FizzBuzz"
    while (isBuzz) return "Buzz"
    while (isFizz) return "Fizz"

    return num.toString()
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anras573 profile image
Anders Bo Rasmussen β€’ β€’ Edited

I did something similar to your fizzbuzz in C# 8.0:

public static void Main()
    for (var i = 1; i < 31; i++)

public static string FizzBuzz(int number)
    return number switch
        _ when number % 15 == 0 => "FizzBuzz",
        _ when number % 3 == 0 => "Fizz",
        _ when number % 5 == 0 => "Buzz",
        _ => number.ToString()
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nombrekeff profile image
Keff β€’

Nice, I have heard about it but never saw any writen code for awk!!

nombrekeff profile image
Keff β€’

That's pretty neat! It reminds my a bit of rust's match. What was/is awk usually used for?

dannyengelman profile image
Danny Engelman β€’

Bit late to the party...

let arr = Array(100)
  .fill({ three: "Fizz", five: "Buzz" })
  .map(( {three,five}, idx) => {
    if (idx % 15 == 0) return three + five;
    if (idx % 3 == 0) return three;
    if (idx % 5 == 0) return five;
    return idx;
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  • maintainable
  • extendible
  • translatable
  • performant
edkb profile image
Eduardo Binotto β€’

Maybe we could have it ready from the DB. I know CASE / WHEN / THEM is sql if / else equivalent, but nobody tried yet, so here he go

        WHEN gs % 15 = 0
            THEN 'FizzBuzz'
        WHEN gs % 3 = 0
            THEN 'Fizz'
        WHEN gs % 5 = 0
            THEN 'Buzz'
        ELSE gs::text
    generate_series(1,15) as gs;

guillaume_agile profile image
craft Softwr & Music β€’ β€’ Edited

Here's my proposal for a non if/else implementation
Using only Types and Abstractions (Interface) and a bit a Linq (C#)
But the most important part is using full polymorphism and a DDD style with immutable objects (structs)
Made with strict TDD (all tests green), please check my repo

  public class FizzBuzz
        private readonly IDictionary<int, string> rulesSet;
        public FizzBuzz()
          rulesSet = new Dictionary<int, string>();
            rulesSet.Add(3, "Fizz");
            rulesSet.Add(5, "Buzz");
            rulesSet.Add(7, "Wizz");          

        public string Process(int value)
            IResult res = new VoidResult();
            foreach (var element in rulesSet.Where(element => value % element.Key == 0))
                res = new TempResult(res.Result + element.Value);
            res = res.Finalize(value.ToString());
            return res.Result;

    public interface IResult
        string Result { get; }

        IResult Finalize(string v);

    public struct VoidResult : IResult
        public string Result => string.Empty;

        public IResult Finalize(string v)
            return new FinalResult(v);

    public struct TempResult : IResult
        readonly string value;

        public TempResult(string value)
            this.value = value;

        public string Result => value;

        public IResult Finalize(string v)
            return new FinalResult(this.value);

    public struct FinalResult : IResult
        readonly string v;

        public FinalResult(string v)
            this.v = v;

        public string Result => v;

        public IResult Finalize(string v)
            throw new System.NotSupportedException("cannot finalize what is already finalyzed");
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guillaume_agile profile image
craft Softwr & Music β€’

My 10 cents:
you should have said: FizzBuzz with a Cyclomatic Complexity to maximum 2 (or 1).
Because if you replace a if/else by Logical Operators, or Switch or While or For, you aren't doing better code in terms of Cyclomatic Complexity

The CSS approach is one of the most elegant.
Another one without any cyclomatic complexity is acheived with a strong type system, like what you can do in Haskell, F#; Kotlin or TypeScript
See that solution (not mine, but clever if you understand the type inference mecanism)

nombrekeff profile image
Keff β€’

Ohh yup, I know that feeling xD

zacharythomasstone profile image
Zachary Stone β€’

What about using ternaries?

nombrekeff profile image
Keff β€’

Ideally not, but feel free to use them! There are many solutions without using them though ;)

cashless_jay profile image
Peter Joshua β€’

What about switch cases???? Can we use it?

nombrekeff profile image
Keff β€’

Sure, switch is allowed!