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Nozibul Islam
Nozibul Islam

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Mastering Arrays: 56 Interview Questions for DSA Success

Arrays - Interview Questions for DSA Success.

Here’s a list of important problems that will help you in your developer interview preparation.

Array Basics

  1. Introduction to Arrays: Understanding what arrays are and how they work.

  2. Accessing Array Elements: How to access elements of an array.
    Insertion and Deletion in Arrays: Methods for adding and removing elements from an array.

  3. Insertion and Deletion in Arrays: Methods for adding and removing elements from an array.

  4. Traversal of Arrays: Various methods for traversing through arrays.

  5. Static vs. Dynamic Arrays: Differences between the two types of arrays.

Searching and Sorting in Arrays

  1. Linear Search: The basic method for finding an element in an array.

  2. Binary Search: An efficient search technique for sorted arrays.

  3. Bubble Sort: A simple but inefficient sorting algorithm.

  4. Selection Sort: Finding the minimum for each iteration to sort.

  5. Insertion Sort: An effective sorting technique for small arrays.

  6. Merge Sort: A divide-and-conquer sorting algorithm.

  7. Quick Sort: A fast and efficient sorting algorithm.

  8. Heap Sort: A sorting method using a heap data structure.

  9. Counting Sort: A sorting technique for a specific range of numbers.

  10. Radix Sort: Sorting based on the digits of numbers.

Array Manipulation Techniques

  1. Reverse an Array: Methods to reverse an array.

  2. Rotate an Array (Left and Right): Techniques to rotate an array.

  3. Prefix Sum and Suffix Sum Arrays: Easy techniques for sum queries.

  4. Kadane’s Algorithm: Finding the maximum subarray sum.

  5. Finding Missing Number in an Array: Simple ways to find a missing number.

  6. Two-Pointer Technique: A strategy used for solving certain problems.

  7. Sliding Window Technique: A technique useful for constrained problems.

  8. Partitioning an Array: Solving the Dutch National Flag problem.
    Rearranging Positive and Negative Numbers: Separating two types of numbers.

  9. Rearranging Positive and Negative Numbers: Separating two types of numbers.

Searching and Indexing in Arrays

  1. Finding the First and Last Occurrence of an Element: Locating the first and last appearance of an element.

  2. Finding Majority Element: Using the Boyer-Moore Voting Algorithm.

  3. Searching in a Rotated Sorted Array: Finding elements in a rotated sorted array.

  4. Finding Peak Element: Identifying peak elements.

  5. Finding Fixed Point: Where A[i] = i.

  6. Searching in 2D Arrays: Searching for elements in a two-dimensional array.

Optimization and Advanced Array Problems

  1. Finding Subarray with Given Sum: Searching for a subarray with a specific sum.

  2. Longest Consecutive Subsequence: Finding a sequence of consecutive elements.

  3. Finding Duplicates in an Array: Identifying duplicate elements.

  4. Merging Intervals: Techniques for merging intervals.

  5. Finding Common Elements in Two Arrays: Identifying common elements between two arrays.

  6. Maximum Product Subarray: Finding the subarray with the maximum product.

  7. Trapping Rainwater Problem: Solving the rainwater trapping problem.

  8. Maximum Profit from Stock Prices: Determining maximum profit from stock prices.

  9. Longest Increasing Subsequence: Finding the longest increasing subsequence.

  10. Subarray Sum Equals K: Searching for subarrays that sum to K.

Mathematical Problems on Arrays

  1. Finding Pair with Given Sum (Hashing Approach): Identifying two numbers with a specific sum.

  2. Finding Triplets with Zero Sum: Finding three numbers that sum to zero.

  3. Three Sum Problem: Identifying three numbers that sum to a specific value.

  4. Four Sum Problem: Finding four numbers that sum to a specific value.

  5. Product of Array Except for Self: Finding the product of all numbers except itself.

  6. Find All Numbers Disappeared in an Array: Identifying all missing numbers.

  7. Finding the Median of Two Sorted Arrays: Calculating the median from two sorted arrays.

  8. XOR of All Elements in an Array:
    Finding the XOR of all elements.

  9. Majority Element in an Array:
    Identifying the majority element using a HashMap.

Additional Array Interview Questions

  1. Finding Minimum in Rotated Sorted Array: How to find the minimum element in a rotated sorted array.

  2. Maximum Length of Repeating Elements:
    Finding the maximum length of a contiguous subarray with the same element.

  3. Maximum Length of Subarray with K Distinct Elements: Finding the maximum length of subarray with K distinct elements.

  4. Find All Pairs with a Given Sum: Listing all pairs in an array that sum up to a specific value.

  5. Find All Anagrams in a String: Given a string and a pattern, find all starting indices of the pattern’s anagrams in the string.

  6. Product of Array Elements Except Self: Efficiently calculating the product of an array except for the current element without using division.

  7. Sorting an Array of 0s, 1s, and 2s: Using a single pass to sort an array containing only 0s, 1s, and 2s.

These questions will help you enhance your DSA skills and prepare for interviews. Build your expertise by solving various problems based on your knowledge and skills. Wishing you success!

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Top comments (2)

shafayeat profile image
Shafayet Hossain

Great writing Nozibul !! Hope that helps...🖤🖤

nozibul_islam_113b1d5334f profile image
Nozibul Islam

Thank you so much.