Tree Data Structure Questions for Data Structures and Algorithms.
1. Tree Basics and Traversals
- Implement a Binary Tree.
- Preorder Traversal (Recursive and Iterative).
- Inorder Traversal (Recursive and Iterative).
- Postorder Traversal (Recursive and Iterative).
- Level Order Traversal (BFS).
- Reverse Level Order Traversal.
- Spiral/Zigzag Level Order Traversal.
- Boundary Traversal of a Binary Tree.
- Diagonal Traversal of a Binary Tree.
- Vertical Order Traversal of a Binary Tree.
- Find the Lowest Common Ancestor (LCA) in a Binary Tree.
2. Binary Tree Construction Problems
- Construct a Binary Tree from Inorder and Preorder Traversal.
- Construct a Binary Tree from Inorder and Postorder Traversal.
- Construct a Binary Tree from Level Order and Inorder Traversal.
- Construct a Special Tree from Inorder Traversal (Tree with Only One Child Nodes).
- Construct a Full Binary Tree from Preorder and Postorder Traversal.
- Construct a Binary Tree from its Mirror Image.
- Convert a Binary Tree to its Mirror Tree.
- Convert a Binary Tree to a Doubly Linked List.
- Construct a Threaded Binary Tree.
- Build a Tree from Inorder and Level Order Traversal.
- Construct a Binary Tree from Postorder and Level Order Traversal.
3. Tree Properties and Analysis
- Find the Height of a Binary Tree.
- Find the Depth of a Given Node.
- Check if a Tree is Symmetric.
- Check if Two Trees are Identical.
- Diameter of a Binary Tree.
- Check if a Binary Tree is Balanced (Height Balanced).
- Check if a Binary Tree is a Sum Tree.
- Maximum Path Sum in a Binary Tree.
- Check if a Binary Tree is Perfect.
- Check if a Binary Tree is Complete.
- Find the Kth Smallest and Kth Largest Element in a Binary Search Tree (BST).
4. Tree Modification and Manipulation
- Convert a Binary Tree to a Sum Tree.
- Convert a Binary Tree to a Child-Sum Property Tree.
- Convert a Binary Tree to a Doubly Linked List.
- Convert a Binary Tree into a Circular Doubly Linked List.
- Convert a Binary Tree to a Threaded Binary Tree.
- Flatten a Binary Tree to a Linked List.
- Convert a Binary Tree to a List of Levels.
- Convert a Binary Tree to an Inverted Tree.
- Add All Greater Values to Every Node in a Binary Search Tree (BST).
- Merge Two Binary Trees.
- Convert a Binary Tree to a Skewed Binary Tree.
5. Binary Search Tree (BST) Problems
- Insert a Node in a BST.
- Delete a Node in a BST.
- Search for a Node in a BST.
- Find the Minimum and Maximum Value in a BST.
- Find the Inorder Successor and Predecessor in a BST.
- Check if a Given Tree is a BST.
- Convert a BST to a Greater Sum Tree.
- Lowest Common Ancestor (LCA) in a BST.
- Check if a BST is Height Balanced.
- Merge Two BSTs into a Balanced BST.
- Find the Maximum Sum Path in a BST.
6. Tree Views
- Left View of a Binary Tree.
- Right View of a Binary Tree.
- Top View of a Binary Tree.
- Bottom View of a Binary Tree.
- Print All Leaf Nodes from Left to Right.
- Print All Leaf Nodes from Right to Left.
- Boundary View of a Binary Tree.
- Print the Longest Path in a Binary Tree.
- Print Nodes at Distance K from the Root.
- Print Nodes at Distance K from a Given Node.
- Find All Nodes at Distance K from the Leaf Nodes.
7. Tree Recursive Problems
- Print All Ancestors of a Given Node.
- Print All Paths from Root to Leaf.
- Print the Path from Root to a Given Node.
- Find the Kth Smallest Element in a BST.
- Find the Kth Largest Element in a BST.
- Find the Lowest Common Ancestor (LCA) in a Binary Tree.
- Count Leaf Nodes in a Binary Tree.
- Count Non-Leaf Nodes in a Binary Tree.
- Count Nodes with Exactly One Child in a Binary Tree.
- Count Nodes with Two Children in a Binary Tree.
- Find the Depth of a Given Node in a Binary Tree.
8. Tree Algorithms and Techniques
- Morris Traversal (Inorder and Preorder without Recursion and Stack).
- Threaded Binary Tree Traversal.
- Finding the Maximum Width of a Binary Tree.
- Serialize and Deserialize a Binary Tree.
- Check if a Binary Tree is a Subtree of Another Tree.
- Find the Largest BST in a Binary Tree.
- Find All Nodes at Distance K in a Binary Tree.
- Convert a Binary Tree to a Circular Doubly Linked List.
- Inorder Successor in a BST without Using Parent Pointer.
- Flatten a Binary Tree into a List of Levels.
- Implement Level Order Traversal using Iteration.
9. Tree-Based Dynamic Programming
- Maximum Path Sum in a Binary Tree.
- Maximum Sum of Nodes without Adjacent Nodes.
- Diameter of a Binary Tree using DP.
- Largest Independent Set Problem in a Binary Tree.
- House Robber Problem (Binary Tree Version).
- Longest Path Between Any Two Nodes.
- Count Number of Subtrees with a Given Sum.
- Find the Longest Consecutive Sequence Path in a Binary Tree.
- Check if a Tree can be Partitioned into Two Trees with Equal Sum.
- Count Number of Unique BSTs (Catalan Number).
- Find All Unique Paths from Root to Leaf.
10. Tree Miscellaneous Problems
- Check if a Tree is a Mirror of Itself (Symmetric).
- Convert Sorted Array to a Balanced BST.
- Convert Sorted Linked List to a Balanced BST.
- Print Nodes in the Topological Order of a Binary Tree.
- Sum of All Nodes in a Binary Tree.
- Sum of All Left Leaves in a Binary Tree.
- Sum of All Right Leaves in a Binary Tree.
- Print the Vertical Sum of a Binary Tree.
- Find All Duplicate Subtrees in a Binary Tree.
- Find the Maximum Sum Subtree in a Binary Tree.
- Count the Number of Nodes in a Complete Binary Tree.
These questions encompass a range of fundamental and advanced topics related to trees in data structures and algorithms, making them essential for mastering this important area of computer science.
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Top comments (4)
Woah! Amazing list, really helpful thank you!!!!
thank you.