this is part 44 from the journey it's a long journey(360 day) so go please check previous parts , and if you need to walk in the journey with me please make sure to follow because I may post more than once in 1 Day but surely I will post daily at least one 😍.
And I will cover lot of tools as we move on.
Prepare file
as always all the files used are in my github repo here
this is the repo where I will store all the codes used in our journey on
if you already have it just pull , if not clone it.
the source code usually hold the same chapter number we are in 044 so app_044 is what we are looking for.
I am using the same image of app_040:1.0 here because it's the same if this part but we need to access it without trick of port-forward

first let's take a look at our yml configs
We can see I use an --- to separate 2 yml files , I can separate them each one on file but since they are depends on each other it's good practice to have them in 1 file.
the key feature here is :
1 . type: NodePort , so we can access our app outside the cluster
2 . Ports:
target port is 8080 which is the node js port that I choose for backend in my configs.
nodePort: 30005 is the port of my node which I will use to access the node.
port: 8088 is the port of my service.
kubectl apply -f app_044.yml
again and again I like to repeat it notice I am in the same folder as myfile so I can pass it directly.
kubectl get pods
we have our 6 pods created , I like to mention we can create shortcuts for us in Linux (spoiler : I will make an entire LinuxJourney to discover linux from kernel and up :) after devops or in parallel) , Linux have aliases so we can tell linux to recognize kgp as shortcut for 'kubectl get pods' , I have them but I like to keep it simple for those who are not familiar with aliases yet.
kubectl get svc
svc shortcut for services , we seen before. We can see our service is ready.
to get the node ip , basically it's the minikube ip because minikube is the test node for us locally.
minikube ip is the ip of the node in my case.
now we have the ip , go to browser and type
now we can access our app directly without the port-forward trick :)
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