Linode gives away 100 USD for free, for me to waste (currently 20 USD per month), and it is like DigitalOcean.
Edit: 100 USD is also present in DigitalOcean new account. Both DO and Linode only gives 100 USD for 2 months. My thought? Create a new account wisely and strategically.
I actually have a lot of credits on Google Cloud as well (not my first email), but when promotion of 1 year ends, I will suffer the price...
It's a continuation of another post, and I don't have to create swapfile yet.

Best way to turn spare laptop to server? (And turn on 24/7)
Pacharapol Withayasakpunt ・ Mar 30 ・ 1 min read
I use 4GB RAM for now, and the performance is in every way superior to SSH tunneling with
I did try turning laptop to server as well, but not only I have to turn on 24/7; but also I cannot move laptop, as well as having to login to (physical) Internet Router everywhere, therefore troublesome...
I also tried It works, I don't know how to auto HTTPS here...
In case you don't know, VSCode + DigitalOcean Droplet is just like WSL - not that much hassle.

How to deploy STATEFUL container on DigitalOcean
Pacharapol Withayasakpunt ・ May 25 '20 ・ 2 min read
My real doubt
How big DigitalOcean Droplet size should I choose? Is it really a good idea to be economical?
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