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Pradumna Saraf
Pradumna Saraf

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Docker Extensions to make your development life easier

Docker Extensions are fairly new to the tech domain, and many people haven't explored this. I thought this would be a great opportunity to take the mic and share the word about Docker Extensions and some of them which I like and use.

But first, what is Docker Extension or Docker Desktop extensions.

Docker Extensions are like superpowers for Docker Desktop, letting you do more cool stuff. Here, we'll check out five awesome extensions that can level up your development game.

1) Livecycle Extension


Imagine you're working on a project, and you want your team to see what you've done. The Livecycle extension is like a magic button that lets you instantly share your work with your team. Quick feedback and easy collaboration make your development journey smoother.

Livecycle Extension

2) Portainer Extension


Managing Docker containers can be a bit tricky, especially when there are many of them. It helps you manage all of them from a single place, not only Docker containers but also Kubernetes clusters and much more.

Portainer Extension

3) Snyk Extension


Security is crucial, even in the Docker world. Snyk is your superhero. It checks your Docker images for vulnerabilities and gives you tips on how to fix them.

Snyk Extension

4) Ddosify Extension


Ddosify lets you load test your application to check how it will handle a person when there is an actual DDoS attack on your application. It's good to have an application ready for that.

Ddosify Extension

5) Excalidraw Extension


This is my personal pick. Sometimes, we developers need to explain ideas better. So, this is a pretty good canvas to draw your ideas. The best thing is, sometimes we have no internet, and this saves a lot, as it runs on the local machine.

Excalidraw Extension

So there you have it – five awesome Docker Extensions to make your development life easier. Happy coding!

Thanks for reading. Follow me on Twitter for more cookies :)

Top comments (5)

gerimate profile image
Geri Máté

Great post, congrats!

May I suggest our open-source platform written in Go for some of the use cases mentioned:

  • Collaboration: you and your teammates can access containers wherever they run and interact with them instantly

  • Container management: Configure, start, restart, etc containers from your browser or via API calls. Plus you can turn containers into versions, initiate CD pipelines with Github Actions and all

pradumnasaraf profile image
Pradumna Saraf

Awesome, Geri. Amazing tool.

gerimate profile image
Geri Máté

Thank you! I haven't heard about Livecycle until now but I checked out and it looks great, props to you and your team!

Thread Thread
pradumnasaraf profile image
Pradumna Saraf

Thank you, Geri. I will pass this message to the team :)

devenock profile image
Enock Omondi

Thank you for this list of extensions. I love the Livecycle extension.