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How I developed a captcha cracker for my University's website

Priyansh Jain on April 06, 2018

Hello again! Consider this a spinoff of my original article. I had some requests from the readers to explain how I developed the parser, and hence...
peter profile image
Peter Kim Frank

This was a really fun and entertaining read! I really appreciated the step-by-step breakdown for how you thought about the problem, identified some key insights, and then implemented a solution. Thank you for sharing :)

presto412 profile image
Priyansh Jain

Thank you!

lauriy profile image
Lauri Elias

Good to see you didn't run to TensorFlow right away. Sometimes you just don't need a billion samples and a 16-layer neural net.

rafalpienkowski profile image
Rafal Pienkowski

Very nice article.
When I was studying I really liked my classes about signal processing. When I was reading your article I felt as I went back in time. 😁
I'm not sure if you have heard about salt and pepper? It's related to additional dots on an image. There are several techniques for removing such a noise like median filter. Maybe it would give even betterer results.

Thank you for your post.

presto412 profile image
Priyansh Jain

Yes, I know about the median filter. Very recently had a semester long course in image processing. I had implemented region growing with this, to get great noise free skeletons. Will try with the median filter!

presto412 profile image
Priyansh Jain • Edited

Got this result, with 2px radius.

rafalpienkowski profile image
Rafal Pienkowski

I thought I would be better 🤔 Thanks for your time I appreciate it.

iambalajirk profile image
balaji radhakrishnan

Image processing is a beautiful subject. With no knowledge about it I did my final year project on it. The fun part is that the algo you build will already exist and gives you the good feeling that we are doing something awesome. Good luck :)

presto412 profile image
Priyansh Jain

So true.

hussaintamboli profile image
Hussain Tamboli

Nicely explained! I was also trying to do similar thing some time ago using tesseract-ocr. It was not that accurate though :)

briedis profile image
Mārtiņš Briedis

After the clean-up step, did you try a simple OCR approach?

chabala profile image
Greg Chabala

I appreciate the detail in the article, but that captcha looks so trivial I bet off the shelf OCR libraries could handle it without any preprocessing.

presto412 profile image
Priyansh Jain

Sorry for the late reply, but yeah they most definitely would. I just wanted to do something real new cause I was new to programming and this was actually something that wasn't taught in class. Felt nice.

markjohnson303 profile image
Mark Johnson 👔

Thanks for writing this up! I enjoyed reading about how you solved the problem, and your explanation was super clear and helpful :) I'm amazed how easy this was to accomplish... I would have expecting clearing the lines would have been more difficult. What do you think you would have done if they were pure black like the letters?

presto412 profile image
Priyansh Jain

I would have eliminated single pixel thickness lines, by checking the top and bottom pixels I guess

presto412 profile image
Priyansh Jain • Edited

Actually its cases like these where getting the best skeleton out of all the skeletons comes in handy

seankilleen profile image
Sean Killeen

Hey! I've noticed that in this post you use "guys" as a reference to the entire community, which is not made up of only guys but a variety of community members.

I'm running an experiment and hope you'll participate. Would you consider changing "guys" to a more inclusive term? If you're open to that, please let me know when you've changed it and I'll delete this comment.

For more information and some alternate suggestions, see

Thanks for considering!

faizan7ali profile image
Faizan ALi • Edited

Hi in this code, I am getting an error LIST INDEX OUT OF RANGE
on this line if pixel_matrix[row, column] == 0 \
and pixel_matrix[row, column - 1] == 255 and pixel_matrix[row, column + 1] == 255

Also could you please explain how to create bitmaps.json file

basanirakesh profile image
Basani Rakesh • Edited

What if the lines in the captcha are pure black as well. Could you help remove the unnecessary lines in the captcha and make blurred letters normal?

fuadzulfikar29 profile image
fuadzulfikar29 • Edited

hi, i got a problem when running your script, want you help me? from the picture/captcha i send to you, which code in the script i can change?
(the bitmaps i can make by myself later)

falansari profile image
Ash • Edited

This is why you use Google's reCAPTCHA :) the old traditional captcha is worthless nowadays, might as well not have it, it won't make much of a difference.

5bentz profile image

You may be surprised at the effectiveness of such simple CAPTCHA's.
On a website of mine, a CAPTCHA has neutralized spam messages. The CAPTCHA is more elaborate than this one, but still...Bad CAPTCHA's are better than nothing ;)

thomasbnt profile image
Thomas Bnt

Woah nice !

piotroxp profile image
Piotr Słupski

Awesome work!

A great read, very nicely solved problem, super work :)

Thanks for this article!!!

vishalsharma95570 profile image

Priyansh jain i need your little help can you pass me your mail or ping me on

shalvah profile image


presto412 profile image
Priyansh Jain • Edited

Thank you!

faizan7ali profile image
Faizan ALi

Could you please help me

paalavi profile image

what about some captchas which their character's width is not a Specified value like this url's captcha

laoquocthaivhu profile image

Please help me with this captcha

laoquocthaivhu profile image