Revising prototype-based inheritance in JS discovered a worth mentioned way of defining , some may say "overhead", prototypeless namespaces in global & local scopes , i.e.:
// global namespace :
global_namespace = Object.create(null)
global_namespace['namespace_name'] = "global_namespace";
console.log(global_namespace) // {namespace_name: 'global_namespace'}
// local namespace :
(function (){
// TIP # classically we could use function-scoped var instead of let, but ***"let"*** it be :
let local_namespace = Object.create(null);
local_namespace['namespace_name'] = "local_namespace"
return [local_namespace, global_namespace];
/** Console output :
(2) [{…}, {…}]
0: {namespace_name: 'local_namespace'}
1: {namespace_name: 'global_namespace'} # NOTE : global accessible through n-th tuple nesting
length: 2
[[Prototype]]: Array(0)
local_namespace // local_namespace is not defined at <anonymous> # just as expected
Since ed. 2 :
Prototypeless also means constructorless a.k.a singleton, but not vice versa i.e. constructorless can be prototype-based in JS land :
let obj = Object.create(null) // prototypeless object | |
/* obj.propKey = propValue; */// prototypeless also means constructorless, resulting in the term of "singleton" | |
let isInstance = new obj | |
console.log(isInstance) // TypeError: obj is not a constructor – that's what you suppose to expect | |
// === | |
// NOTE : constructorless can be prototype-based, but not vise versa with regards to example shown above ! | |
// For more read about : @ |
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