A quick write-up adapted from the post-event message sent to folks who joined us at the stream at our last event of 2021.
Huge thanks to our speakers Jeffrey Roe and Pavithra Eswaramoorthy.
π A special thanks to Lei and Mick for all their support throughout this year.
π Thanks to our community partners (alphabetical order):
- Coding Grace - Zoom
- ImagiLabs
- PSF - Meetup fees
- PyLadies
If you missed our talks in the past couple of years, you can find them on our channel:
Don't forget to β€οΈ like, subscribe and hit that π bell notification.
Talk Details
TALK 1: "Using Python to bring a physical game to the Internet" by Jeffrey Roe
(15 mins) The talk will outline how a LED game got Jeffrey's living room onto the internet for all to play it. The project mixture Raspberry Pi, Arduino, LED display array and an IoT smart plug all in one. The game uses remote.tv to allow the player to remotely control all the buttons of this fun arcade-style LED game. The game has the user trying to kill all the red dots in order to stay alive and not see hot pink.
Jeffrey is a software/hardware engineer, working on public transport systems. In his spare time, he likes to make fun projects. On the team of festival makers for Dublin Maker, co-founder of Tog Hackerspace and Council member of Engineers Ireland
π https://twitter.com/Jeffrey_Roe
TALK 2: "Scaling Data Science with Dask" by Pavithra Eswaramoorthy
(30 mins) With the growing significance of big data for data science and machine learning, scaling data work is more important than ever.
In this talk, you'll learn to scale your workflow to larger datasets and larger models, while staying in the comfort of the PyData ecosystem (NumPy, pandas, scikit-learn, Jupyter notebooks), using Dask.
Dask is an open source library for parallel computing in Python. It provides a complete framework for distributed computing and makes it easy for data professionals to scale their workflows quickly. Dask is used in a wide range of domains from finance and retail to academia and life sciences. It is also leveraged internally by numerous special-purpose tools like XGBoost, RAPIDS, PyTorch, Prefect, Airflow, and more.
After attending, you'll know:
- What is Dask, how it works, and what makes it powerful;
- What are parallel, distributed, and cloud computing technologies;
- When to consider scaling your data and machine learning work, and when not to;
- How to use Dask to leverage parallelism on your local workstation, such as your laptop;
- How to use Dask to harness the power of distributed clusters (on-cloud or on-prem) from the comfort of your laptop.
Pavithra works as an Evangelist at Coiled, where she helps make scalable data science more accessible to everyone. She also contributes to open-source software at Bokeh and Wikimedia. In her spare time, she enjoys a good book and coffee. :)
π https://www.linkedin.com/in/pavithra-eswaramoorthy-47977b146/
Announcements from the September event can be found here:
Call for Speakers
If you have CFP, feel free to post it below in the comments section.
PyLadies Dublin
- When: Jan, Feb, Mar 2022
- Interested in sharing your project or something cool you came across?
- Submit your talk/Demo/workshop to following: Call for Proposal Form
PyjamasConf 2021
- Conference Date: December 4th 2021
- https://pyjamas.live
Python Ireland Christmas Get Together
- When: Wed Dec 8
- https://python.ie
Python Ireland: Speakers Coaching Session
- When: Sat Jan 22, 2022
- https://python.ie/coaching-program
βοΈ There will be no PyLadies Dublin next month
The next one will be on Tue Jan 18 (18:30) and will be online. If you like to give a short talk, submit your talk with this PyLadies Dublin CFP 2022 form
Any questions, drop us an email at dublin@pyladies.com
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