DEV Community

Rahat Chowdhury
Rahat Chowdhury

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The Sylar Project V 0.0.3 - 4

This post includes a review of my day 3 and day 4 work as well as what I hope to achieve before making the official submission post.

So my main goal of making this an open-source project has been successful. I have had a couple of brand new developers open some small PR's to the project and that has been one of the best feelings ever.

To keep the code consistent and at a certain standard, I've configured Eslint, Prettier, Husky Commit hooks, and GitHub actions for a CI/CD pipeline. This is legit now!

No huge differences in the way the UI is structured but I'm anticipating a PR on new mental health resources in California.

I've got two main goals for the official v1.0.0 release which will be my hackathon submission.

  • Refactor the UI and make it nice using a Tailwind UI license I recently purchased.
  • Create a backend and form to allow people to add in their own resources without needing to make a pr.

The plan with the added resources is that if a user submits something in the form it would go through some sort of approval process before being part of the overall API. Still looking into the best way to do this but if you've got any suggestions I'm all ears.

Check out the current repo and deployed page below:

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