
Cover image for SolidJS your thoughts?
Ray Luxembourg
Ray Luxembourg

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SolidJS your thoughts?

Who has tried and who didn't?
Have you heard about it at all?

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Top comments (8)

matpaul profile image
Paul Matyukov

Just check it some time ago, I like it

+ No boilerplate with useMemo useCallback etc for performance, it's just works and works super fast (no virtual dom + clever jsx compiler)

- Small community, libs ecosystem

johncarroll profile image
John Carroll

I've tried it out on some experiments and am a huge fan. Contemplating trying to convince my employer to let me port an internal React app over to Solidjs, though this would definitely be a tough sell given how established React is.

yxsh profile image

I haven't.. but my friends have they say

Thats how react should have been

lexlohr profile image
Alex Lohr • Edited

I'm a vanilla HTML/CSS/JS enthusiast and thus probably one of the last persons to be hyped about a framework.

That being said, solid is really that amazing. Instead of focussing on DOM abstraction, its focus is spot on efficient reactivity. This is basically used to do everything, from state management on all levels to updating the actual DOM.

The similarity to react is also a drawback, because the mental model is entirely different. Components are called once per instance. The only hook rules are "effects require a reactive root to track their dependencies" and "destructuring loses the reactivity of stores and props".

The only disadvantage is that the ecosystem hasn't yet caught up to that of larger frameworks. That being said, there are some projects working hard to fix that. Also, some established libraries are currently aiming to support solid.

decker67 profile image

Very fast and without virtual dom.
It lacks a Material Component Framework like VuetifyJS

ecyrbe profile image

Here you go :

decker67 profile image

Very nice, I will try it.

michaelsoriano profile image
Michael Soriano

Really impressed. I really hope community will catch up.

I built a small app using it (even wrote a tutorial)