Heyy, how are you?!
Have you ever had to deal with some JavaScript functions just... they weren't exactly the way you expected? Maybe it looked like the functions were written in a different way than what you've seen and I don't mean "logically" speaking... 😅
If yes, I would like to introduce you to some possibilities of types of functions that we can find!
So, let's start it and see some basic types!
🎯 Named Function (Traditional way):
The traditional way of creating a function and it's a set of statements that performs a task or calculates a value!
function sayHello() {
console.log('Hey everyone!');
// Output
'Hey everyone!'
🎯 Arrow Function:
Arrow Functions are simpler, are always unnamed and compact than traditional function expression!
const sayHello = () => console.log('Hey everyone!');
// Output
'Hey everyone!'
🎯 Anonymous Function:
Anonymous Functions don't have a name specified after the function declaration, so we declare it with a variável to call this function at a some point and the function is anonymous but assigned to a variable!
const sayHello = function () {
console.log('Hey everyone!');
// Output
'Hey everyone!'
🎯 Higher Order Function:
Higher Order Functions in a nutshell words is a function that can take one or more functions as arguments or return a function as output. Some of Higher order types is like: reduce, filter, map and others.
// A simple function to print a console.log
function sayHello(){
console.log('Hey everyone!');
// Higher Order Function Example:
function higherOrderFnExample(functionToExecute){
console.log('I can do anything!');
🎯 Constructor Function:
It's is used to create Function objects and we need to use the new keyword to create a new Function instance!
// Creating the Constructor Function
function Car () {
this.name = 'Ford',
this.color = 'Black'
// Creating the Object
const myCar = new Car();
// Output
// Output
Hope this makes you feel a bit more comfortable with functions and their possibilities!
Feel free to reach out to me if you have any questions!
and obviously I hope you enjoyed it 🤟💪🤟💪
Top comments (16)
Did you know that the act of assigning an anonymous function to a variable makes that function no longer anonymous (in most cases)?
This code:
Is equivalent to this code:
BOTH functions actually have a name - so neither is anonymous. You can test this by checking
- which in both cases above will be'add'
.You can find more about anonymous functions in this post.
Yess, is not anonymous because it is assigned to a variable 😅! Thanks for the tip and I'll definitely read it!!
Just because a function is assigned to a variable does not necessarily mean it is not anonymous. It is perfectly possible to assign an anonymous function to a variable without losing its anonymity:
The name of the variable and the name of the function are two different things:
Niiiicee 🤩
I'd like to mention the IIFE (Immediately Invoked Function Expression) here. This is a JavaScript function that runs as soon as it is defined. See IIFE @ MDN .
Cool, I like the IIFE functions! We have Pure Functions too, for example! But in this article I just wanted to share some basic types! But thanks for the comment and the tip.
I think you could add potential use cases for them. Specifically maybe mention async await and which functions can/cannot use this. Additionally how some js methods mixed with arrow functions throw errors. Besides that, good stuff :)
Sure, I'm doing a new article talking about async/await, Promise and some other stuff! This article I just wanted to talk a little bit about some different types functions that we can use with JavaScript.
But thanks a lot for the tip 😀
can u revised my code ?
Hey, what code?! 🤔
express.js ? on my website: dimense.net code: github.com/reroote/core
Thanks dude 🥳
I think it's worth mentioning too: high order functions are the basis of Decorators. For those not working with Angular or NestJS regularly, that syntax can be a little odd at first. But working with HOF will make the decorator syntax and use case very clear.
I think you should add generator functions
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Keep it up 👍